STOCKTON Ca. “God is in his heavan, and all is right with the world”, wrote the incorrigible optimist Robert Browning. Perhaps, Browning was only anticipating what (Drs.) Parmapal Gill and Jasbir Gill have the God’s grace to experience. The couple were celebrating the birth of their third son Ranjit Singh “Maharaja” (He was born on May 6, 1987) and they timed the celebration to coincide with the birthdays of their older sons, Chamanjit and BikTamjit.
The highlight of the program was the rich feast of songs provided by the music maestro Sardul Kwatra who delighted the gathering with his own composition as well as by rendering popular songs of Mohd. Rafi. Mr. Kwatra was ably accompanied on the tabla by Ustad Shamsher Singh.
Article extracted from this publication >> July 17, 1987