CHANDIGARH: The panthic committee associated with Dr.Sohan Singh and others; owned responsibility for the attack. This belied the earlier police belief that Babbar Khalsa International men were behind this incident.

Presumably under the mistaken belief the panicle thedmen of SSP Saini struck in revenge at the unarmed family of Babbar Balwinder Singh at Jattana village near Chankaur Saheb and killed four members of the family. Babbar Balwinder Singh belongs to a Ramgarhia family owning” about three acres of land. Bahi Balwinder Singh dropped out of his post-graduation course some time ago to join the Sikh: struggle for freedom.

Doomcheri and Capt. Amarinder Singh Avtar Singh Sidhu. The first started when Sidhu objected to the derogatory remarks made by Doomcheri.

Meanwhile the state government has expressed concern over the resolution eulogizing a top KCF Gurjant Singh Rajasthani. In a statement Monday the Govt regretted that a militant responsible for killing of hundreds of innocent people including women and children was being projected as a hero.

The statement noted said the Govt would take steps to ensure normal functioning was not disrupted during the banch call on Saturday.

Article extracted from this publication >> September 6, 1991