NEW DELHI: Pakistan is a party to the Kashmir dispute and a synoptic view can be taken if an empowered group or individual were to 26 into the entire gamut of sues, Dr Karan Singh, former Sadre “Riyasat and Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, said here “July 10.

In an interview at his residence, Dr Karin Singh pointed out that India and Pakistan had fought three Wars and signed three agreements. The first was the cease fire agreement of January 1, 1949 the ‘second was at Tashkent in 1964 and the third at Shimla in 1971,

Unless you take a holistic view of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh, “and unless you take minsters in the two other areas of Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir and the Northern Territories you can’t solve the problem,” Dr Karin Singh said. Taking a holistic view implied efforts to improve the troubled relationship between India and Pakistan. And whatever solution would emerge, the quantum of Autonomy will obviously be one of the points debated, this would also involve giving constitutional   to the tri-regional state comprising Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh.

 Asserting that there could be no military solution to the problem, the former ruler of Jammu and Kashmir who is now perceived as a statesman capable of taking 4 holistic approaches, said that in the ultimate analysis, “it has to be a political solution.” This political solution involved first evolving ’a coherent, coordinated and creative policy by the Prime Minister heading a Cabinet Committee on J&K affairs with a Separate minister to look after the State, “i wouldn’t say there is no policy now on Kashmir. The Prime Minister is a shrewd and expenence politician and perhaps letting different ministers and the governor say different things is also a policy,” Dr. Karan Singh remarked.

But this daft must end because the present state of affairs was “extremely dangerous and unsatisfactory.”

Article extracted from this publication >> July 15, 1994