NEW YORK April 21, 1990
Ranjit Singh Gill and Sukhminder Singh Sandhu were interviewed at M.C.C. New York by Dr. Gurinder Singh Grewal of WSN and Tariq Ismaeel Sagar WSN correspondent in Lahore.
Q: WSN: You both are in jail for last three years. What do you think will be the outcome of your case?
Ans: Three years may be long time in an individual’s life but not very long in nation’s life. Whatever is the outcome; we feel satisfied and are contented with our role in the freedom movement of Sikh nation.
Q: WSN: Even though Judy Russell’s dirty tricks have been exposed and known to Justice Department why the U.S. government still believes the Indian government?
Ans: Our case is now before a judge and we don’t want to make any comments without consulting our attorneys. However it is clear to all the Sikhs that India is a big market for western governments and western countries including USA are more worried about their trade than the human rights of Sikhs and other religious minorities in India.
Q: ‘Amnesty International filed a brief in your case. Do you think that will affect the outcome of your case?
Ans: Indian gout has no real case against us. Justice Bain’s request has already revealed the truth in SSP Pande case; Indian Govt has fabricated stories and evidence. Amnesty International has shown to the free world the other side of Indian gout. Fake encounters and killing of innocent people is the work of Indian gout.
Ques: You both feel that coming to USA and then getting arrested and being in jail has served any purpose in the present struggle.
Ans: We believe in God and strongly believe whatever happens, happen with this will. In our struggle for freedom everybody is playing their role. We feel we have done our share. Our case has brought to the attention of America how the Indian gout is trying to finish the Sikhs. This has also brought the US Sikhs and freedom fighters in Punjab closer.
Ques: If you are sent back to India what will happen to you.
Answer: That is very clear to us. We will not get any justice and most likely we will be killed in a fake encounter or hanged after a fake trial. However we are ready to face that. We are not afraid of death. To sacrifice this life for the Sikh religion is the highest honor for a Sikh and we will receive this honor like our brothers before us have done happily.
Ques: Are you physically tortured in jail like Indian jails?
Ans: We have been locked up in solitary confinement several times without any reason. However we have not been tortured like Indian jails. We are not convicted of any crimes. We are under detention only.
Ques: Are you happy about the support of U.S. Sikhs?
Ans: We are very happy that we have very competent and top attorneys representing our case. We have received the necessary help from Sikhs in U.S. who care and support the Khalistan movement. We appeal to all the Sikhs to help the Khalistan movement back home with Tan, Man and Dhan.
Ques: There is lot of confusion about two Panthic Committee and other groups and organizations. What do you have to say about it?
Ans: Most of it is the result of misinformation campaign of Indian government. As long all the groups and organization are fighting against the common enemy, Indian Govt, we will succeed. We are very hopeful.
Ques: After meeting you one is surprised. It doesn’t appear you are in jail for 3 years. What is the cause of your high spirits and courage?
Ans: We are thankful to our parents who taught us the Sikh values and principles. Our faith in Sikh religion sustains us during day and night. As you know a Sikh always accepts God’s will willingly.
Ques: WSN: Several of your fellow Sikh activists have been killed by the police in India. What do you feel about that?
Ans: Any loss of human life is tragic. When it happens to a friend it is even more difficult. However if you think everybody is ultimately going to die. To die for a cause which is very dear to you is not a loss? Sikhs have learned from Guru Arjan Devi Ji and will continue to sacrifice as long as we have Sikhs.
Ques: What message would you like to send to the Sikhs in Punjab?
Answer: We will like all our Sikh brothers and sisters to support the Khalistan movement with Tan, Man and Dhan. People should join the other minorities and other freedom movements like in Kashmir to get independence.
Ques: What message would you like to send to the Sikhs in America?
Ans: Sikhs in America are in a unique position. They can play a big role in present Sikh struggle. Time is very crucial and this is the time for all Sikhs in US and western countries to rise up to the occasion and help the Khalistan movement. WSN: What message would you like Mr. Sagar to take to people of Pakistan? Ans: We the Sikhs and Muslims of Pakistan have much more in common than we have with Brahman and Bania. 1947 was unfortunate in the history of that region. We appeal to the all the Muslim brothers to support our struggle for freedom. If Sikhs do not win their freedom, the existence of Pakistan is in danger. Hindu India will next attack Pakistan without any hesitation.
Article extracted from this publication >> May 18, 1990