India is country of minorities. The Sikhs are not the only minority who feel discriminated in India – their case has come into focus due to the extraordinary developments which have been the subject of discussion so far. Other minority groups have also been protesting their plight and deteriorating socio-economic conditions in India. Let us examine some of the evidence

Constitutional Safeguards and the Untouchables

Despite the constitutional safeguards the “quotas” for the scheduled castes remain heavily undersubscribed in all probability due to overt and covert opposition by the caste Hindus.147” There has been growing opposition often accompanied with violence, to the quotas earmarked for the Scheduled castes on the grounds that these are discriminatory to the deserving and talented. Dr Ambedkar and his Scheduled castes followers’ conversion to Buddhism in the mid-1950s was essentially an attempt to escape the growing discrimination at the hands of orthodox Hindus. 148 That

Table 2

Number of Scheduled Castes and Tribes

Murdered: 1981-1983

Year                                                                                             Number


1981                                        ———-                                         571

1982                                        ———-                                          633

1983                                        ———-                                          837

Source: Statement in Rajya Sabha by Minister of State, Mrs Ram Dulari. Indian Express, Jul 24,1984, New Delhi edition, p 4. Illusionary escape failed to improve their plight. Although distinct progress has been made in relation to their human conditions, politically and economically they have failed to mobilize to any significant degree. On the contrary the backward classes are suffering great physical, social and economic abuse which seems to be growing in recent years. See Table 2.

Muslims Minority

Muslims suffered high death-rate during Hindu-Muslim communal riots for the period 1970-80 as shown in Table 3. The number of Muslims who lost their lives during Assam riots of 1983 and Bhiwandi riots of 1984 touched an unprecedented high – the number rose to thousands. Muslims generally relate anti-Muslim frenzy to low Muslim representation in Para-military and police forces as well as insensitivity of the State administrations to their plight.

The riots take a heavy toll of life, property and manifest serious occupational ramifications, particularly for the minority community. Justice Jagmohan Reddy Inquiry Commission of 1969 Ahmedabad riots in which Muslims suffered brutal arson and loss of life found  evidence shows that organised attacks were being made on Muslim properties and Muslims, lorries being used to carry rioters and weapons, the crowds being led and directed. . Many if not all, of the communal riots of the last two decades give impression that some kind of planned efforts had gone into operation to identify and attack the members of the minority community.”149 One study of a town in U.P. state rocked by communal riots showed that “about sixteen percent of the present (Muslim) earners were forced to change occupation. A majority of these were settled shop-keepers who could not reopen their shops or had to dispose them off and accept inferior occupations with their income.”150

Table 3

Persons Killed in Hindu-Muslim Riots 1971-1980

Year                                         Hindus                                    Muslims

1971                ——                     38                ——–                  65

1972                ——                     21                ——–                  45

1973                ——                     26                ——–                  45

1974                ——                     26                ——–                  61

1975                ——                     11                ——–                  22

1976                ——                     20                ——–                  19

1977                ——                     12                ——–                  24

1978                ——                     52                ——–                  57

1979                ——                     80                ——–                  150

1980                ——                     87                ——–                  278

Source: Business Standard, August 10, 1981.

Christian Dilemmas

Christians too, have been victims of Hindu-Christian riots. Scores of them were killed during riots in South India in April and July 1982 over the issue of conversion of untouchables to Christianity.151 According to Shah, “Tribal who have followed Hinduism and accepted a low status in the caste hierarchy, there is no caste of religious conflict between the caste Hindus and the tribal. But those tribal, who embraced Christianity, are looked upon with suspicion by caste Hindus. Their loyalty to the country is suspected. Attempts were made, though not with success, to prevent the tribal from embracing Christianity.” 152 In the 1940s Mahatma Gandhi accused Christian missionaries of using material inducements to win over “rice Christians” 153 – an assertion deeply resented by the Christians.

Despite a sound Constitution it is apparent that discrimination against minorities is spiraling in India Lately there has been escalating violence between the majority and one of the minorities, generally to minority’s disadvantage and loss of life – this does not portend well for India.