Dear Mr. Tohra:
The newspapers are reporting that the families of Sikh freedom fighters are suffering tremendously. Nobody is helping them. You are a powerful Sikh leader. SGPC has
SGPC has tremendous resources at its disposal. If the Sikh Ieadership won’t take care of our widows and orphans, who will?
I appeal to you and to the Jathedar on Sri Akal Takht Sahib lo insure that every step is taken to give full economic, moral and spiritual support to the widows and children of the Sikh martyrs who have laid down their lives for the chordi kala of the Khalsa Panth and the liberation of the Sikh homeland, Khalistan, from Indian oppression.
History watches all of us. It is not forgiving. The Sikh noun is aware of how attention is being diverted from the real issue of Khalistan to minor issues like unity of the Panth. Your commences of 20 or more that have been set up to advise the leadership on how to achieve the principles of the Amritsar Declaration are a smokescreen. The real issue, the only issue, is liberating Khalistan now.
Mr. Tohru, your Chandigarh press conference of December 21 left no doubt where you stand on this matter. The Amritsar Declaration asks for internal autonomy first. The liberation of Khalistan is left to the very dissent future, This is not acceptable.
La mc be very clear. The Sikh nation wants its independence. That is why 96% of the Sikhs in Punjab, Khalistan, boyhood the 1992 state elections in Punjab, Khalistan. That is why no Sikh has ever signed the Indian constitution. Nothing short of a free Khalisun will satisfy the Sikh nation. That is why the Panthic Committee declared independence on October 7, 1987.
Freedom is our heritage. As you know, the Sikh nation was the last to be conquered by the British when they look over the subcontinent in 1849. From 1765 10 1849, we had our independence. All our efforts should go to liberating Khalistan by 1999 so the Khalsa Panth can celebrate its 300th anniversary in the warm glow of freedom.
Only a free Khalistan will end the oppression of the Sikh nation. Our efforts must be focused on securing freedom for the Sikh nation. How can we do that if we cannot even Lake care of the widows and children of those who give their lives to free our people?
The Sikh nation will crest monuments to its heroics and martyrs who put their lives on the line in the struggle for freedom. The Sikh notion will also inscribe the names of those who betray our freedom to sup with the Indian oppressors. The Sikh nation will never forget those who betray our Couch at this crucial time of need. Freedom is our herring. Freedom is our birthright. Will you be on the side of freedom for thc Sikh nation or the side of those who oppress us? The Sikh nation awaits your answer.
Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh President, Council of Khalistan
Article extracted from this publication >> January 13, 1995