Journalist: Mr., Ambassador, former Chief Minister of Kashmir Dr. Faroog Abdulla met the Indian Prime Minister and reportedly exhorted him to dissolve the already suspended State Assembly and hold elections.

Ambassador: That’s right.

Journalist: He said there was no justification for continuing the Governors rule in the State especially after the fall of Congress (I) puppet minority government of Mr. G.M. Shah.

Ambassador: Very correct,

Journalist. Why is Rajiv Gandhi reluctant to order elections in Kashmir? Is Hein search of a Barnala type Muslim to enact the farce of a popular government?

Ambassador: Not in national interest to disclose.

Journalist; Mr. Ambassador, it is reported that the massive manhunt Operation jointly launched by paramilitary troops and Punjab police

Supported by army helicopters failed in apprehending even a single Sikh freedom fighter.

Ambassador: That’s right.

Journalist: In this futile exercise a helicopter was lost and to cover up its failure, the troops arrested nearly two hundred young innocent Sikhs from their homes in the neighboring villages. Ambassador: Very correct.

Journalist: Don’t you think the policy of arresting, torturing and killing innocent Sikh youth is recoiling with a vengeance and has left no option for the persecuted Sikhs but to challenge the perverse state terrorism in the same language? Don’t you think Punjab problem

Can be solved with sympathy and understanding and not by army or police bullets?

Ambassador: Not in national interest to disclose.

Journalist: Mr. Ambassador, Punjab Finance Minister, Mr. Balwant Singh has reportedly said, “there is communalism in the Home Ministry bureaucracy, If you want to solve our problem, just put the entire Home Ministry on a ship and sink it in the Indian ocean”.

 Ambassador. That’s right.

Journalist: But Barnala and Balwant Singh themselves have lost their roots and stand isolated, lonely and friendless for betraying and sabotaging Sikh aspirations for their personal interests. Ambassador: Very correct,

Journalist: Don’t you think Punjab problem can more easily be solved if along with the Home Ministry bureaucracy, the Balwant, Barnala and their band of Sikh traitors are also put on the same ship and blasted in the mid ocean?

Ambassador: Not in national interest to disclose.

Article extracted from this publication >> August 1, 1986