Stockton — Addressing the Sikh youth here Saturday at the Gurdwara S. Ganga Singh Dhillon exhorted the youth to support in every possible way World Sikh Organization. “It was for the first time that Sikhs had organized an international body to project, preserve and protect the distinct Sikh identity,’ he said. “Here is a solid platform for us to launch effective struggle for the fulfillment of our cherished aspirations,” he said. “Do not watch as mere spectators the performance of the organization’ nor indulge in avoidable criticism, instead take up a task and work for the success of that task, the way Sikh Solidarity is doing. Sikh Solidarity took up the project of running a community News Weekly and they are doing their job in an excellent manner. Similarly you should also select a project and put your heart and soul in it no matter whether the organization comes to your aid or not,” said S.Ganga Singh.
Three resolutions were formally passed by the youth at this meeting.
(I) resolved that the youth of Northern California reasserts its determination to strengthen the World Sikh Organization in every manner.
(II) Resolved that World Sikh News being the representative Voice of the Sikhs should be extended full support.
(III) Resolved that Sikh leadership in India be warned against any kind of settlement with the Government of India that can adversely affect the realization of Sikh aspirations. They should know that nothing short of full freedom would be acceptable to the Sikhs, and no one, howsoever important he may be, would be permitted to compromise the basic stand of the Sikhs.
Article extracted from this publication >> February 8, 1985