NEW DELHI: The Home Minister, MrS.B, Chavan last week ruled out payment of ransom to AlFaran militants to secure the release of four foreign hostages and reiterated the government’s commitment to hold elections in Jammu and Kashmir as early as possible.

The Minister told the visiting British Home Secretary, Mr. Michacl Howard, during a meeting that the government was ready to hold talks with elected representatives of the people of the state on matters relating to development. Mr, Chavan also welcomed the Pakistan Prime Minister, Ms. Benazir Bhutto’s statement regarding holding of bilateral talks with India to resolve the Kashmir issue.

He gave a detailed briefing to the visiting Minister on political and security situation in the Valley saying the people were against militants, who have perpetrated atrocities on them.

Mr, Chavan made it clear that there was no question of releasing militants in exchange for the hostages. He said all efforts were being made to secure the safe release of hostages, Britain fully supported India’s approach to secure the release of the hostages and asserted it was not in favor of payment of ransom or releasing militants in exchange for them— Talking to newsmen after official talks with senior Ministers, Mr. Howard said Britain was “satisfied” at the steps being taken to get the hostages released and at the efforts being made by India and the UK towards this end. Of the four hostages, two are British nationals, one American and one German.

Article extracted from this publication >>  January 10, 1996