PATIALA: Dr Sukhdyal Singh warden of hostel no. 7 of Punjabi University has contested the police version that Bhai Nirmal Singh Nimma a top militant was killed on the university campus on the night of November 30.

In a signed statement issued here recently he said a police party led by Mr HS. Dhillon S.P. (Operations) Jalandhar forced its entry into the campus around 1:30 a.m. and laid a siege to the hostel no.? And thereafter went to the residence of Vice-Chancellor H.K. Manmohan Singh. At its request the Vice-Chancellor deputed Dr Tirlok Singh Provost to accompany the police for conducting a raid on certain rooms of the hostel where the police claimed two top militants were taking shelter.

Dr Sukhdyal Singh said the police searched certain rooms but neither anything incriminating was found nor any militant was traced. The police told him that they had seized a pistol and a detonator from a certain room. The pistol was old and rusted. Before leaving the campus the police informed that they had taken in custody Mr Manjinder Singh and his two guests. In the meantime he said he heard a shot fired and subsequently all policemen took positions Later one constable said his gun had gone off accidentally.

Later accompanied by the Vice Chancellor the Provost the security officer and Dr B.S. Mann warden of hostel No.4 he went to the residence of the SSP. During the course of their talks the SSP told the Vice-Chancellor that a top militant leader who tried to run away from the hostel was fired upon by the police as a result of which he fell down He consumed cyanide and died According to the SSP this militant was Bhai Nirmal Singh Nimma. “We learnt about this fact only from the SSP” Dr Sukhdyal Singh said.

Stating that if Bhai Nimma had really been injured and later committed suicide by consuming cyanide on the campus Dr Sukhdyal Singh said the police had not brought this to the notice of the university authorities. Before leaving the campus he alleged the police brought the body of Bhai Nimma from outside and described the incident as having taken place in the hostel with a view to maligning the university.

Claiming that an atmosphere of complete communal harmony and amity was prevailing on the campus he alleged certain groups were out to vitiate the peaceful atmosphere. They were also trying to tarnish the reputation of the university in order to get a police picket posted on the campus.


Article extracted from this publication >> January 4, 1991