GUWAHATI: AN International Human Rights Organization Coordination Committee on Assam has been formed for the documentation of the eases of human-rights violations here announced 198. Gill the chairman of the IHRO at a press conference called by the Manab Adhikar Sangram Sanity (MASS)

The committee will have Ajit Kumar Bhuyan as its chairman and Parag Kumar Das as its secretary. The activities of the committee will be coordinated by Mr. MIS. Dhillon of Punjab.

The IHRO-CCA -will collect cases of human rights violations in Assam and other north-eastern States and present them in various international for a.

A three-day convention to assert the human rights of the people of Assam will be held from January 27, 1993 at Guwahati and a challenge to the Government to stop it if it could.

Ravi Nayar in another meeting severely castigated the Indian Government for its double standards on the issue of human nights and also criticized sections of the media for exaggerated and misleading reports about extra-judicial deaths.

Speaking at a meeting organized by the Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti (MASS) on the occasion of International Human Rights Day at the Lakhiram Barua Xaden Nayar said there had been a complete erosion of fundamental human rights as enshrined in the Constitution. He added that there was an urgent need for a movement ta complete the bureaucratic-army-law and order nexus which had en crouched on civil liberties in the country

Nayar urged media representatives present at the meeting not to confuse extra-judicial killings with encounter deaths and said there should be balanced coverage of movements in States such as Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir. The human rights activist stressed that the right to self-determination should not be equated with secession adding that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to which India was a signatory stated aman could as a last reason take to arms to protect his fundamental rights.

Article extracted from this publication >> January 21, 1994