Sacramento — The unanimous election of the W.S.0. (USA) has evoked tremendous enthusiasm in the political circles of America. The Pro Khalistan forces have welcomed the newly elected leadership of the organization in the spirit of unanimity.
They now hope that the new leadership will be able to provide some concrete program to the Sikhs in the USA. They also hope that the unanimous election of the W.S.O. will pave the way for the unity move with the other organizations that support the establishment of Khalistan in Punjab. But at same time those circle who are opposed to this thought and have always been exploiting the issue of “disunity in the Panth,” are worried at losing their popular “slogan”
However, the new leadership under the able stewardship of S. Gurcharan Singh Dhillon has already settled down to draw out the fresh plans and mobilize the workers at the grass root level for its execution. This line of action and anxiety to enhance the prestige of the organization was evident from the speeches delivered by the new leadership after the unanimous and smooth process of election, which was gone through within minutes.
- Gurcharan Singh Dhillon thanked the delegates for reposing their confidence in him, although many senior and veteran leaders were there to lead the organization. He claimed himself as a worker, who will sincerely follow the direction, policies and programs, formulated at the inaugural session of the WSO in July 1984. He called upon the members to extend every type of support to him in the discharge of his duties. He outlined his priorities and pledged support to forces that are fighting the occupation army in Punjab, to Ranjit Singh Gill and Sukhminder Singh Sandhu, who are facing extradition proceedings initiated at the instance of the govt. of India and to strengthen the grass root base of the organization.
- Gurnam Singh Pamma, senior vice president also thanked delegates for expressing confidence in them. He appealed to the house to work untidily under the leadership of Mr. Dhillon, the newly elected president of the organization. He also appealed to other Sikh organizations, supporting the cause of Khalistan, to join hands with the WSO (USA) to carry out the program of supporting those who are fighting for independence at home. He also called upon his colleagues to work ceaselessly to live up to the expectations of the Sikhs of USA.
The Director of administration, S. Surinder Pal Singh Kalra Chicago, assured the house that he will effectively carry out the administration’s work to give a new image to the organization.
The other newly elected leaders, S. Lakhbir Singh Chima (L.A.), S. Harbhajan Singh Gill (N.Y.), S. Harjap Sineh Sangha (Chicago Orlean) also spoke on the occasion to assure the delegates that they will stand by the commitment to the cause and work hard to live up to their confidence reposed in them.
Later, the delegates were served with sumptuous dinner, arranged by the local organizers at Riverbend Club Sacramento.
The World Sikh News will publish an exclusive interview with the new president S. Gurcharan Singh Dhillon of the WSO in its next issue.

Article extracted from this publication >> August 12, 1988