Painters, electricians and forest workers often work with their heads bent backwards, a position that is both uncomfortable and painful. A physiotherapist in Sweden, Ulla Huldt Gren, has developed an inflatable neck support, dubbed “’Nack Mollis” which allows the joints and muscles of the neck to relax without preventing Movement of the arms and head.

‘This cushion to support the neck Weighs just 190 grams and is attached to ’a pair of trousers suspended by two straps. The Swedish Painters’ Union has requested in its labour contract that the cushion be part of painters’ protection equipment, reports Working Environment in Sweden 1992, the annual English language issue of magazine Arbetsmiljo.

The same magazine also reports that an ergonomic and easily adjustable elbow rest for contractors and forest mechanics has been introduced by Umea Forsaljning.


Article extracted from this publication >>  September 16, 1994