STOCKTON: In this multiethnic multicultural valley in central California one can hear over a hundred languages spoken and see all of the world’s great religions. Recently the Muslim population here and “around the world celebrated the holiest of Islamic holidays, the observations of Ramada.
Faithful Muslim everywhere have fasted and prayed, to change the mind and the body and bring the spirit close to Allah. On the last day of Ramada, a great celebration is held called Eid. On this day the month of fasting comes to an end and the communities and families unite in a great feast. The families in Stockton were no exception.
Representing Muslim from many countries, foods from around the world were shared and the clothing of many lands was modeled. The families who share the concern of all for the poor and oppressed everywhere took up an offering for the poor and the widows and orphans of every faith. Also were collected and goods sold to help the local Islamic school and contribute to the building of a new mosque in Stockton. Representatives of the community tried to dispel the many myths that surround the religion and its followers. Muslims are not fanatic madmen, terrorists or women haters but rather the followers of Mohammed, a 7thcentury prophet visited by the Angel Gabriel and the author, via revelation of one of the world’s holy books, the Koreas.
Islam is the worlds second largest religion with nearly 1 billion followers. Followers of Islam fall into two groups, Most are Sunni who believe that after Mohammed’s death Muslim leadership passed to lawmakers. Shiites believe that leadership fell to Mohammed’s decedents.
Article extracted from this publication >> April 2, 1993