FREEMONT, Ca : Writing to US. Secretary of State, Mr. George Shultz, the Chairman of the Indian Muslim Relief Committee of ISNA Mr. Manzoor Ghori states.

“We the US. citizens and immigrants from near east and south Asia like to draw your attention to the serious problem in India.

Since Independence of India Discrimination based on religion has been increasing The religious minorities which have suffered ‘most Muslims, Sikhs, and Harijans. In Assam and Punjab alone more than 10,000 people have been killed including women and children, Thousands of homes and businesses belonging to minority community have been burned down, making at least 300,000 homeless.

I would like to give only one example out of many each recent incidences which took place in ity called Ahmedabad, in Gujarat state Between July 912, 1986, in India West.

 As if this was not enough 63 innocent persons of minority community have been arrested under terrorist act. Police is concocting and fabricating false evidence against these people. Unless their sufferings are brought to World’s attention, minorities in India will continue to suffer.

We want our Government to impress upon government of India the gravity and scale of this human tragedy and suffering and consequently a need to protect human rights, including life and property of all minorities particularly the most oppressed Muslim minority.

We also like to see your good offices obtain the release of the 63 innocent Muslims in Ahmedabad. We are looking forward to your favourable and compassionate response at your earliest, Please keep us informed”.

Article extracted from this publication >> November 28, 1986