NEW DELHI (PTI):  Several Muslim organizations are meeting here soon to prepare them- selves to face the threat posed by Hindu fundamentalist organizations, which are planning to “re- peat Ayodhya at Mathura and Kashi.” “

The Sangh Parivar, (Hindu fundamentalist organization Rashtriya Swayamseva Sangh and its affiliates) after a brief spell of retreat and self-introspection, is again on the offensive, this time with even more ominous designs up its Sleeves,” Jawed Habib, convener, Qaumi Mushawrat committee, said recently.

Expressing concern over Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s (world Hindu forum) threat to organize rallies to mobilize people for forceful occupation of the site in Ayodhya, Habib said such a move had caused concern and apprehension in the minds of secular people, Muslims in particular.

Habib said the leaders of Muslim personal law conference, all India Babri Masjid action committee, all India Muslim youth conference, ltehad-E-Musalmeen and Qaumi Morcha, will meet in Delhi after April 20 to chalk out a strategy to face the VHP’s “communal” campaign.

Article extracted from this publication >> April 29, 1994