
Please allow me the use of the columns of your esteemed paper t publicly and openly express my admiration and grateful thanks to His Excellency Hosni Mubarak, President of Egypt, for his prompt forthright and farsighted views about Islam’s third holiest shrine Masjid Al-Aqsa/Haram-Ash-Sharif-located in Al Quds Jerusalem Which was the subject of a mailing by this committee in mid-October.

In an interview, published on October 30 in the New York Times President Hosni Mubarak spoke about the “symbolic and religious significance” of Masjid Al-Aqsa to the Muslims of the world. I am sure very Sikh brother shares and understand the anguish of their Muslin brethren as the Sikhs have similar feelings for Gurdawara Nankan Sahib, Patna Sahib and Hazur Sahib.

I would humbly request the Sikh Sangat to make it point to pray i their Gurdwaras for the long life and happiness of President Mubarak and the prosperity of brotherly Egypt. May Allah’s light and mercy come to meet President Mubarak as he “strives in Allahs cause” believe the Almighty will certainly guide him; “For verily God is those who do right”  Sura Ankabut Chapter xxix section 69 Holy Quran.

A Sheikh


Committee for Vatican Status for


Chureb of the Holy Sepulcher,

Mount Sinai and Gurdawara Nankana



Article extracted from this publication >> November 8, 1991