NEW DELHI: The Bharatiya fanata Party (BJP) on Dec. 10 demanded that the Narasimha Rao government seek a fresh mandate flowing the Congress rout in the three States. It has suggested holding of Lok Sabha poll along with the next phase of Assembly elections in February.
The BJP president, Lal Krishan ‘Advani said that the ruling party’s defeat in the Assembly elections in Andhra Pradesh and Kamataka clearly indicated that it had lost the confidence of the people.
The government should “humbly accept the implications of this verdict and seek a fresh mandate from the people,” the party’s Central Parliamentary Board demanded after its Saturday morning meeting. , Advani however gave a guarded reply when asked at a press conference about the possibility of the BJP moving a no confidence motion against the government during the ongoing session of Parliament. It was up to the party’s Parliamentary group to decide, he said. “I do not rule out anything.” Advani said it was not the Congress defeat, but the “dimension of the defeat” which was significant.
Article extracted from this publication >> December 16, 1994