BY: Gian Singh Kotli

VANCOUVER: We have to get extra tables. This proves the popularity of the minister and the success of his multiculturalism. He can run unopposed in Vancouver.” This is how a beaming Aziz Khaki expressed his exuberance while addressing the enthusiasts who had turned up heavily exceeding all expectations of attendance at the dinner at the Sheraton Plaza Hotel at Cambie Street Vancouver on June 6.

The dinner was hosted in honor of the Federal Minister of Multiculturalism Gerry Weiner for his outstanding services and achievements in the field of promoting multiculturalism in Canada. Aziz Khaki President of The Pacific Interfaith Associations of B.C. and The Committee for Racial Justice nicely arranged the function with the cooperation of the “friends of multiculturalism.”

Talking about the valuable achievements of his ministry Gerry Weiner said “We are to create a society where our merit is more important than our color where our abilities are more important than our accent.” Keeping the elite audience applauding Weiner went on to add” we are here to celebrate an idea and ideal which transcends ethnic origin to make us unite in diversity. We can show the rest of the world a model of culturally and linguistically diverse society functioning in harmony.”

It was really a multicultural and multiracial gathering of dignitaries belonging to different faiths and cultures. Turbaned Sikhs with their colorful and distinguished identity adoned the other cultures here and there.

A great credit goes to Aziz Khaki for arranging the function so nicely and for keeping the audience in such good humor.

Article extracted from this publication >> June 26, 1992