DEFECTIVE GENE LINKED TO DEPRESSION: Scientists have discovered the first proof that some forms of maniac depression are inherited because of a dominant defective gene. This means that people who inherit the gene from either parent will have a “strong predisposition” to the illness. It is hoped that this finding will be valuable in the future in predicting who may develop the condition, in diagnosing it and in allowing for more precise treatment.

BED REST FOR BACK PAIN? — Most people with low backache have localized pain that is not caused by a serious disease or traumatic event. One study has shown that more than 10% of the population recalled having had a three-day episode of backache during the previous fears.

Backache is not necessarily a problem that requires surgery, therapy, or injection. 80% of victims will be well or much better if encouraged and appropriately advised. A maximum of two days of bed rest may be best for those without disc or nerve damage. The study suggests that it is reasonable form many backache sufferers to get up. There are, of course, severe problems for which bed rest is the correct advice.

ANYTHING FISHY ABOUT FISHOIL SUPPLEMENTS:— Although they consume large amounts of fat, Eskimos have few heart attacks, possibly because their diet contains so, much fish. Current research suggests that Omega3 oils found in deep water fish may lower serum cholesterol and triglycerides and inhibit blood clot formation.

The research has sparked a boom in sale of fish oil supplements with experts predicting revenues of $250 million annually by 1988. Until long term effectiveness and safety of the supplements have been established says the American Heart Association, we wonder if we be better off making fish itself a regular part of a healthful diet.

Article extracted from this publication >>  June 12, 1987