FOR: having fun and adventure, Americans go for swimming in the pools, lakes and rivers; The lust for fun has prompted to construct a swimming pool in the backyards of these houses who can afford it. However, this also appears to be a risky deal as sometimes casualties occur resulting in serious injuries or deaths as a result of drowning while swimming.
It is estimated that drowning accounts for 8,000 deaths per year in U.S.A. and is the fourth most common cause of accidental deaths in adults and the third most common in children. The highest incidence occur between the ages of 10 and 19; however, 40 percent of the victims are less than 4 years of age and more than half of those who drown in swimming pools are under the age of 10. Most drowning occurs in fresh water and many children die within a few feet of safety, such as in a backyard pool. Infants can even drown in a pail of water, toilets and bath tubs.
The risk for drowning includes intoxications with alcohol and other drugs; exhaustion, inability to swim, overconfidence; diving Of sporting injuries of neck; hypothermia and hyperventilation
Death occurs due to suffocation by submersion in a liquid medium. Swallowing of water results in vomiting and vomited material may again be aspirated into lungs. The victim finds hard to breath, becomes unconscious and cardiac arrest ensues.
When you see any victim of drowning start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if there are no injuries to the back. Wet clothing should be removed and victim should be wrapped in warm clothes. Call emergency service for transporting the victim to the hospital. In the hospital oxygenation and rewarming should continue. Individuals who drown in cold water have a better prognosis than those who drown in warm water. The proposed mechanism for this difference is the diving reflex and it appears to be more pronounced in children than in adults. The reflex, which is induced by cold water, causes a body cardia (slow heart rate), blood is shut to the heart and brain is where it is most needed. The reflex is more strong among victims of drowning in cold water.
Be careful. Don’t indulge in bravado acts. No alcohol while swimming and safety measures in the backyard ‘swimming pools can enlarge your safety and prevent catastrophic results.
Article extracted from this publication >> August 7, 1987