
The news of B.K.I’s merciless slaughter of Manchanda has caused shock to a lot of Sikhs. This gruesome crime has no palatable justification by B.K.I. I believe that these kinds of incidents do tremendous dis-Service to the ongoing Sikh Struggle for sovereignty. A perfectly legitimate movement based firmly in political social economic and religious needs has unfortunately been steered toward morbid vengeance against innocent people. This trend could reverse the course of action at this critical juncture. Amnesty International has unleashed its report on gross human rights violations by the Indian government. On its basis we are trying hard to enlist the support of western political powers to champion our cause by focusing their attention on inhuman laws (TADA) enacted specifically to crush the Sikhs and suppress their demand of free home land. Recently Congressman Dan Burton has introduced the “Justice in India” act to terminate U.S. financial aid to India till it repeals all such laws. How can we scream for justice and human rights when some of our brethren indulge in these monstrous activities? This only helps the Indian Government to substantiate its claim that the Sikhs are a group of terrorists.

I appeal to all those well-meaning people engaged actively in this movement to make this on-going struggle a mass movement and not a tail of crimes soaked in blood.

History tells us that any empire however mighty or merciless falls like a castle on ne when engulfed by a surge of masses.

  1. Kaur

Washington D.C.

Article extracted from this publication >> July 3, 1992