Respected Congressman

Why would a suave articulate knowledge able tactful well-travelled Jewish American politician like your good self who one day spires to be America’s President and top Diplomat in the footsteps of Henry Kissinger go out of his way to make undiplomatic and unsubstantiated charges of Sikh involvement in Rajiv Gandhi’s murder? I cannot believe that you are not aware that similar loose talk by Rajiv Gandhi after his mother’s execution in 1984 resulted in a program in which over 10000 innocent Sikh men women and children were murdered nay butchered by frenzied mobs of Hindus all over India. Is that what you want done (and it can happen in a jiffy) to the pro-American Sikh nation which is fighting for its very survival in a Fascist Nazilike Castrocracy. You claim it is a democracy-called India?

Is this how you want the United States to repay the Sikhs for offering eight hundred thousand volunteers to fight on our side in Operation Desert Storm in the Gulf was when India’s Brahmin rulers would not even allow our planes to refuel? Pray do tell me Sir how your snide remarks about Sikh involvement in the dastardly bomb explosion in Madras serve American interest anywhere in any possible way? If your remarks don’t serve American interests and they don’t then why are you picking on the Sikhs as you have done in more than one forum since Rajiv Gandhi’s death?

Human blood is heavy; the man that has shed it cannot run away’ goes an old African proverb William Shakespeare many centuries ago wrote (in Hamlet) “Murder though it hath no tongue will speak; with most miraculous organ.’ With every passing day Rajiv Gandhi’s mother is speaking. ‘New evidence is being uncovered that Rajiv Gandhi’s murderers were not Sikhs but Sri-lankan Hindu Tamil terrorists some of whom have trained in Israel if one were to believe claims made by an ex-Mossad agent on page 67 of his book ‘By way of Deception’ Could there be an Israeli connection as there are groups in Israel who like the Fascist swastika worshiping Indian BJP/RSS party (the murders of Mahatma Gandhi) want to build a temple after destroying a mosque? The only group which will gain from Rajiv Gandhi’s murder is the BJP not the Sikhs.

Unfortunately nowhere in our think tanks or among our intellectuals and if I might add politicians does historical awareness of South Asia extends much further than a year or perhaps a decade at most of generation. It is therefore important that those of us have had the opportunity of making a couple of two day visits to India have donned Nehru jackets on a few social occasions eaten a few pepper hot curry dinners do not pose as South Asian experts capable of interpreting the nuances of thousands of sub-cultures/communities/nations that abide in the vast and ancient Indo-Pakistan sub-continent Even more than that we should never try to match the power of deduction of Sherlock Holmes to solve the mystery of a bomb explosion which shook Madras on the other side of the globe. I believe Sir you have wronged the brave and chivalrous Sikhs whose struggle for survival during the last four centuries is no less heroic than that of the Jews.

A Shaikh President Kashmir Association

of N America

Member Solarz Election Club

Article extracted from this publication >> May 31, 1991