Says Gurmej Singh, Prime Minister Govt. Of Khalistan In Exile
LONDON, England: Inaugurating a two day International Sikh Convention, Prime Minister of Khalistan Government in Exile, Mr. Gurmej Singh, declared that “liberation of Khalistan will restore the balance of power in South Asia and neutralize the threat to peace posed by Brahmin fascism. The convention was held on the 4th and 5th June, 1988, at Gurdwara Guru Nanak Parkash, Harnall Lane West Coventry and approximately 3,000 people attended this Convention. Eighty delegates from America, Denmark, France and U.K. participated in the convention.
Full text of his address is reproduced below:
“I welcome you to this momentous gathering, convened to review the progress of the Sikh struggle for liberation of Khalistan from the Indian stranglehold and charting the course for this struggle in the future.
The present struggle was triggered by the Indian Government’s infamous Operation Blue Star, in which the holiest of our shrines was desecrated and thousands of our men, women and children massacred.
Operation Blue Star itself was the culmination of a long series of deceipts and betrayals perpetrated by the Indian rulers, starting from 1919, when the leaders of the Indian National Congress wooed the Sikh nation to join hands with them in the struggle against the British rule in the South Asian subcontinent. They gave us clear assurance that our status as a nation and our right of self-determination will be honored. Relying on these assurances, the Sikhs joined in the struggle, and soon became the vanguard of the freedom fighters, not realizing that we, like other nations of the subcontinent, were being used by the Brahmin leaders for the establishment of Hindu rule in the subcontinent.
The Muslim nation saw through the Hindu deceipt a few years later and, under the leadership of Mr. Jinnah, who was at one time the President of the Indian National Congress, declared that they did not feel safe with a Hindu majority. They chose to work for a separate homeland. They, thus managed to escape the net cast by the Indian National Congress.
Exploiting the Sikh traditions of loyalty and steadfastness in friendship, the Congress leadership managed to pull the wool over our eyes and continued to use us to fight their battles.
It was only after the British had left the subcontinent and power had been inherited by the Congress leadership that the true intent of the Hindu leaders became known. Within a year of independence, Master Tara Singh was imprisoned because he wanted the fulfillment of the pre-independence promises and assurances. A little later, 100,000 Sikhs were imprisoned because they supported the demands of Master Tara Singh.
Bit by bit, our rights were denied, our homeland fragmented to create Hindu majority provinces of Himachal Pradesh and Haryana, our natural resources were diverted to the Hindu majority areas around us.
The betrayal of the Sikhs continued, the Punjab continued to be impoverished and, in 1984, the Sikhs decided that they could take no more of the injustices and started protesting vehemently.
It was then that Operation Blue Star was launched by the Indian rulers to break the back of the Sikh nation. The reaction to the desecration of our shrines provoked the assassination of Mrs. Gandhi, to which the Hindus replied by antiSikh riots in Delhi, Kanpur, Meerut, and elsewhere, in which thousands of Sikhs were murdered but not a single culprit has been prosecuted so far. Obviously the riots, like anti-Muslim riots, were preplanned and Government supported.
It is a long and sad story and I could continue for several hours yet be unable to give a full account of Hindu atrocities on Sikhs. Suffice it to say that the Sikh nation has been forced to Part Company with the Indian leadership. Independence of our homeland, Khalistan is the only solution left for us. Within the Indian union, we have no place except as second class Citizens and slaves of the Hindus.
Khalistan Government in exile was established to work for this end, and is providing tactical and material support to the freedom fighters back home. Yet, to minimize human sufferings, the Government in exile has refrained from escalating the struggle to a full scale war with India, and has restricted its own activities to dissemination of factual information about the struggle going on in Khalistan and lobbying support for our struggle.
But the Indian rulers seem to interpret our restraints weakness. It is thus that they have repeated the Operation Blue Star last month, desecrating the Golden Temple, damaging its structure and murdering over 50 freedom fighters within the Temple Complex.
I warn the Indian rulers from this platform that this new affront to the Sikh religious sentiments and the killings of innocent youths under false pretexts of encounters with the police will be avenged. Some other Satwant Singh will exact the vengeance before long.
Looking ahead, I may say that the struggle will have to be escalated if the Government of India is to be persuaded to revise its attitude and vacate its aggression in our homeland.
I may also say that the Republic of Khalistan will be the only objective of our struggle. Anyone talking of compromise on anything, less will be deemed a traitor and punished accordingly.
Our natural allies in this struggle are the other nationalities groaning under the Indian yoke. The Kashmiris, the Gurkhas, the Tamils, the low caste Hindus and others, who are being victimized by the Brahmin rulers of India, stand to gain from the liberation of Khalistan. I am sure that their sympathies are with us even if they find themselves too insecure once the Indian presence has been removed from Khalistan.
I wish to assure Pakistani and Kashmiri leaders that we have no designs over their territories. Our territorial dispute is with India, not with Pakistan or Kashmir. I hope that this assurance will dispel any misgivings that the Indian propaganda may have caused in their minds.
The Sikh doctrine of “Eik Onkar” and Muslim principle of “La Ilaha Illa Allah” mean the same thing namely that there is no Master except God. Pakistan was achieved to set up a state based on “La Ilaha Illa Allah” and Khalistan is intended to be a state based on the doctrine of “Eik Onkar” will be natural ally for Pakistan, Kashmir and Bangladesh and this triple alliance will be a source of strength for the Indian Muslims, who are threatened by the Brahmin creed of caste system, in which all non-Hindus are “maleechh”, non-human.
‘Also, equality of mankind, irrespective of race, creed of economic status, is one of the fundamental principles of Sikhism. This means that Khalistan will be a land of equality among its citizens.
Surely, Khalistan will be a heaven on earth for all those who are being persecuted, humiliated and exploited under the fascist rule of, Brahmins.
Khalistan Government-in-exile plans to step up its lobbying activities throughout the world, to dispel the prejudices against Sikhs, created by the Indian propaganda machinery.
It plans to continue its efforts to educate public opinion through Khalistan News, press releases, seminars, Symposia and other projects. It plans to work for creating a common front with the oppressed nationalities of South Asia to pursue the common objective of ridding mankind from the menace of Brahminism.
It plans to accelerate its initiatives for unifying the liberation organizations of South Asia in general and of the Sikhs in particular, so that, by mutual co-operation and coordinated efforts, they.
With Divine Help on our side, we are confident of victory.
Being devoted to the doctrine of “Eik Onkar” and the principle of equality of mankind, we can assure the people of the world that the liberation of Khalistan will restore the balance of power in South Asia and neutralize the threat to peace, at present posed by the fast-growing menace of Brah-” min fascism in the region.
Article extracted from this publication >> June 24, 1988