BELJING: Chinese Premier Li Peng Saturday said he would visit India “as soon as possible on dates mutually convenient”

Li made the remark to Ambassador Salman Haidar who called on him along with other incoming and outgoing ambassadors to China Saturday afternoon.’ Haidar said India was keenly looking forward to his visit and Li replied that dates could be fixed through diplomatic channels.

Li said improved relations were mutually beneficial and noted that the 1988 visit of the then prime minister Rajiv Gandhi to Beijing had “great impact on bilateral relations”.

During the joint audience with six envoys who included incoming U.S. ambassador J.Stapleton Roy and outgoing Bangladesh Ambassador Faroog Sobhan Li avoided any reference to developments in the Soviet Union

He said China would pursue an independent foreign policy of peace and was willing to cooperate with all countries on the basis of five principles of peaceful co-existence.

Article extracted from this publication >> September 13, 1991