The whole world is in turmoil as never before and people and nations are fighting mad on silly and unwarranted excuses under the quise of individual, group and national rights, independence and sovereignty, Violence is the instrument adopted to achieve these ends resulting in death, destruction, dislocation of millions of people leading to mass migration of populations. The peacetime normal and smooth productive activities are paralyzed, causing food shortages which leads to starvation and death.

 There are very few countries even, in the industrialized and prosperous West which have escaped the affection completely. Rising unemployment has escalated the crime rate and life for law-abiding citizens has become unsafe and insecure. Prejudice against racial minorities has turned into organized hate and violent physical attacks a common occurrence, this is a universal truth of all times that minorities of one denomination or another especially of color, race and religion have always been subjected to discriminatory treatment in all societies. The degree and quality of discrimination vanes indifferent situations and at different times. In some countries it is blatant and even government sponsored while in others particularly in the western Democracies it is subtle yet pervasive and this is country is no exception, But lately it is on the increase evidently arising out of increased unemployment resulting in hardship and desperation

Relatively recently arrived Nor white immigrants are blamed for all the economic ills the White population is facing for the first time since World War 11 But time and again it has been proved beyond any doubt by numerous surveys, both government sponsored and private, that such mix notifies actually contribute substantially to the economy of the country by creating jobs, Yet fingers go on being pointed at the Asian Americans and people of Indian origin (Indian Americans) are not being spared. Indian Americans are hard-working, Industrious and resourceful they produce.

 America is a great country and envy of the whole world which admires its true democratic setup and successful working. Its human heterogeneity has taught tolerance of all faiths, color, religion and ethnicity, but no human society can be perfect all the time and people have to be vigilant to detect and correct cracks in the ideal mold. That is how during times of political and economic stresses even this country behaved irrationally, undemocratically and Oppressively towards a section of the population only because wits ethnically different from the main majority. If this is so at the highest! level of Government the attitude of individuals, groups and organizations in the society is no expectations and in fact more easily incited to be belligerent towards minorities, Freedom of speech, enshrined in the Constitution, at such times. is stretched to hostile slogans which breed contempt and hate. We Indian Americans should, without any more delay, start seriously working for safeguard owns and our coming generations interests, life and property. First thing to understand and accept the eternal truth that all of us are going to live our lives in this country. The ridiculous idea of going back to India after saving a packet should be deeply buried away and replaced by the reality of continued living in America as there is no other country on this earth which comparable opportunities for living with dignity, growth digits By under most favorable conditions ‘America is our country and that is where our loyalties and pride comes from. We should without any hesitation, join the mainstream of American life Politics is power and everything else emanates from it and politics affects every every facet of human life in a democratic society like America. My Strong and urgent appeal to Indian Americans is to organize themselves into a single political entity and build a political clout like all other sections who have already established their standing and reaped good political harvests. That is the only way to safeguard our future.

G.S. Sandhu, M.D.

Fresno, CA.

Article extracted from this publication >> July 29, 1994