Kuldeep Singh of Toledo Ohio Chairman/Director International Sikh Youth Federation Vice President US Akali Dal and leader of various Panthic Organizations spoke on November 81992 in Troy Michigan before an audience of about 200 Sikh Sangat in connection with the celebration of Guru Nanak Dev Jis Birthday. He interpreted the last line of our Ardas as follows:
“Tera Bhana Sarbat Ka Bhalla” means that Guru Sahib is asking for the welfare of those and those people only who follows Gurus Bhana i.e. his Rahit Maryada. He said that the correct meaning of this line is that Guru Sahib is praying only for the welfare of Amritdhari Sikhs.
As an ordinary Sikh my under-standing is that Tera (Akal Purkh Wahegurus) Bhana (Will Order) is Welfare of all As Sikhs we should pray for the welfare of all irrespective of caste creed religion race and do deeds (in accordance with the teachings of Gurbani) which lead to these effects and grace of Akal Purkh Waheguru. Only then we are living according to the Bhana of Akal Purkh.
I will request the Scholars of Sikhism and other Panthic leaders to respond to the above confusion created by Kuldip Singh. What is the correct interpretation please? Trilochan Singh Detroit MI.
Article extracted from this publication >> November 27, 1992