Dear Governor,

Defeated Congressman Stephen Solarz, as his abuse of the House Bank (743 unauthorized overdrafts in 36 months one bad check every working day) shows, has a very dangerous flaw in his character, The article by the Washington Bureau of New York Newsday, dated May 19,1992, speaks volumes about the articulate Congressman’s weakness for money a “quality” the US does not need in its Secretary of State or its Ambassador to the UN. It is also common knowledge the whole world knows it that Solarz lacks intellectual integrity and he has been tailoring his opinions, on foreign policy issues, in direct relation to contributions to his bottomless campaign chest.

It is a matter of public record that Solarz started his Congressional career, in 1974, by championing the cause of the unfortunate Armenians. He also made all kinds of promises to the Greeks and Cypriots. These communities as a result contributed generously to his 1974 election. He continued to talk loudly about the Armenian and Greek causes till the rich and generous Turkish lobby here “convinced” him otherwise. Currently he is Turkey’s strongest advocate on the Hill and Armenia, Greece an Cyprus have been expunged from his vocabulary. Has anyone heard him mention Armenia or Cyprus lately?

Similarly as long as Pakistan’s highest civil decoration, bestowed on him by Bhutto’s administration, was sugar-coated with campaign donations from the Pakistani community in the United States, Solarz did not have much to say about Pakistan’s quest for Nuclear capability. He saw no evil, he heard no evil in Pakistan till the Indian Government Intelligence operatives, in a hush  operation, mustered and financed the “Indian community” to outbid the Pakistanis in contributions to the Congressman’s campaign chest. Lo and behold, Solarz made Pakistan the whipping boy and started claiming that he was the “Voice of India” on the Hill. He even had the audacity to accuse on public television the innocent and oppressed Sikh minority in India of having murdered former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi within four hours of the tragic event in Madras, He reached the heights of venality when he claimed before an Indian audience that he was the reincarnation of the spirit of Pundit Nehru Hindus believe in reincarnation and started wearing an Indian Achk in (a high collared coat) with a red rose in the buttonhole like the late Prime Minister Nehru to Indian social functions, Attached is a copy of one Solarz’s solicitation letters to the Indian community where, on an issue like Nuclear Non-proliferation, he boasts that he is working hard” to make sure that the Indian version of the Pressler amendment, passed by the house by a vote of 242 141 does not become law.” This is an example of Solarz, in our opinion, sacrificing US national interests in his unquenchable thirst for campaign funds. On other occasions he has circumvented the spirit, if not the letter, of US Election Laws and has in the process wittingly or unwittingly tarnished the image of our Democracy in general and the US Congress in particular.

Respected Governor we want change, we like your program and we want to vote for you but we cannot if you have made promises to the defeated Congressman from New York. We have discussed this matter with some of the leaders of the Greek, Armenian, Sikh, Pakistani, Afghan, Arab and Chinese community leaders most of them agree with us.

  1. Sheikh, President-Kashmir Association of North America.

Article extracted from this publication >> October 16, 1992