Dear Sardar Mangat,
Fateh, I rang up this morning when I read that Sardar Sukhi and Sardar Kuki had won, partially, the legal battle for which you have done so much and I wish to bring this on record. Please tell the attomey that we are full of gratitude for their persistence in the battle against the fundamentalist Delhi regime. The Sikhs will lose their entire constitutional, legal and civil rights and now the fundamentalists are bringing further legislation to amend the constitution to thrust more central rule down our throats. The day before, I was in Gurdaspur district to attend the bhog ceremony of Bhai Manjit Singh Babbar and the attitude of the police and para military forces repulsed me totally. The SSP had a plain clothed young Sikh boy around with an Ak47 rifle. You know no one can carry an automatic weapon in plain clothes and least of all an Ak47 which is not issued by the Government. Sardar Sucha Singh Chhotepur and Sardar Charanjit Walia our General Secretaries were traveling in the lead vehicle when they were signaled to stop. And this man, whom we call Cats’ from the vigilante group cocked this Ak47 and aimed it to our General Secretaries. He was aggressive and the police and B.S.F. personnel tried to stop us from proceeding to the place of the bhog. We carried on despite this outrageous behavior, what I mean to say is that the Indian armed forces have gone berserk and every day we have an encounter with death the fate of all Sikhs here.
At the marvelous victory you have won despite the resources of the Indian State I must congratulate you, the American Sikh Sangat and all who were associated with this venture, for you have virtually snatched these two men from all jaws of death, which certainly awaited them had they been extradited to this lawless country. I also convey my thanks for the hospitality you extended to my sister Bibi Daljit Kaur.
With warm regards, Your’s sincerely, Simranjit Singh Mann (M.P.)
Article extracted from this publication >> November 2, 1990