Some two weeks ago I read with pleasure a report in W.S.N. that a group of eminent Sikhs had undertaken a project to computerize the Guru Granth Sahib. This was something that I had been dreaming of for many years. However in the light of the manipulations and twists of Gurbani by Dr.Peshaura Singh as disclosed by the correspondence in the columns of W.S.N. I am very nervous about the computerization of Guru Granth Sahib. Our Holy Book contains “Diur ki Bani” as divinely revealed to our Gurus. It is precisely recorded and numbered. No one has any authority to alter any part of it in the slightest manner. Text put on a computer is open to change deliberately or otherwise and it is my view that the Panth must give serious consideration to the advisability of putting the Guru Granth Sahib on the computer where the text can be easily tampered with.
It is possible that my fears may be exaggerated maybe those better equipped than myself should comment on this matter which is of great importance to our religious community.
M.P.Singh Canada
Article extracted from this publication >> November 20, 1992