Dear Editor:

Thanks for your letter dated January 3, 1988, regarding my bio-data for which Mr. Bhullar had also asked me earlier. The exposure of Sikh personalities abroad thru your newspaper is an excellent idea and very much educative. I do appreciate your invitation and sincere efforts directed towards this end but I personally do not believe in such personifications. There are countless better Sikhs who have more accomplishment than me and who may like to have such exposure also. I would, indeed be happy if you could explore and expose and educate the Sikh nation and the entire world, the areas I often include in my lectures and those areas as follows: 1. The Sikh nation need to educate that: disunity is not the problem of Sikh nation but multiple unity is the problem. I mean, for example: 12 years ago, there was only one Gurdwara here but now there stand four, and they all came out into existence due to party friction and personality conflicts. The concept of building Gurdwara is great but question arises, how that particular Gurdwara came into existence. With the passage of time, a group of people going to one particular Gurdwara develops lack of communications and eventually become socially cut off. As a result, the community which had absolute unity 12 years ago, now finds itself divided into 4 that is what I call multiple unity.

  1. The concept of Gurus having “Meri and Peri” religion and politics together is not only misunderstood but entirely neglected by the Sikh nation. Up to present day, the Sikh missionary schools are seen imparting only religious teaching to its students. So to say we have excellent education in “Peri” (Gurbani Education) but do not have any facility established for “Meri” (Education of Sikh and World history). As a result, students coming out of Sikh religious schools are deprived of world politics, unfortunately, they are given to perform political affairs and solve political problems of the Sikh nation. How can you expect from a person who have not given political education to handle multiple and complex problems and understand highly trained professional and seasoned politician on the other side of the fence. Out of this confusion and state of mind, the Sikh nation is facing one Ghalufence. Out of this confusion and state of mind, the Sikh nation is facing one Ghalughara after the other since the fall of Sikh Raj in 1849 there should be two wings in our missionary schools “Meri and Peri”. “Meri” political wing to impart the education of Sikh and world history and “Peri” religious wing to impart the education of Gurubani. This way our future scholars coming out of missionary schools will be blended with the spirit of “Meri” and “Peri” and would be better equipped to understand and solve the problems of Sikh nation.

With the blessing of Gurus, any Sikh missionary school in India willing to accept this concept, I will be willing to donate Rs. 125,000 to establish a chair or foundation for the scholarship for the competitive and deserving students.

  1. Prepare a map and identify the extent of Sikh Raj under Maharaja Ranjit Singh. This is a very sensitive issue to be propagated very carefully without offending Pakistan. The idea of this is only to educate the World that we are not after Pakistan but all we want equitable portion of territory within Indian union.
  2. Prepare a map and identify the extent of Sikh Homeland/Khalistan within India, equitable area of Sikh Raj Mr. Nehruand Mr. Gandhi gave to Pakistan in 1947,
  3. Display both the maps side by side on one full page of your weekly world Sikh newspaper.
  1. Educate the world, Sikh nation in particular as to what right Mr. Nehru and Mr. Gaindhi had to negotiate and divide the Sikh Raj (Present Punjab and Pakistan) on behalf of the Sikh nation, Expose that this was a great conspiracy of Hindu fundamentalists to divide and destroy systematically the Sikh religion and heritage.
  2. Prepare every Sikh mentally for Khalistan, the only choice left where they can enjoy the glow of freedom. Remember, mentally prepared people are the one who become victorious in the battle field.
  3. Keep the world Sikh newspaper above the party politics.
  4. Remember, the newspapers are the spirit of the nation and true spirit never dies.

Dear Editor:

anadian Foreign Minister Joe Clark’s letter to Provincial governments accusing a few Sikh Organizations as being “major irritant” with their relations with India is vulgar. Outrageous, and offensive. Mr. Clark appears to have stepped beyond constitutional limits in trying to please the Indian butchers, and in doing so has disgraced the office of the Foreign Minister. If he can’t tolerate peaceful organizations operating within the constitutional framework, can he tolerate any opposing view, I wonder? He was eager to sign the extradition treaty with India, along with that did he raise the issue of the gross Sikh human rights violations in Punjab?

This kind of behavior must not go unchallenged and must be condemned. Sikhs must not succumb to this unyielding pressure and stand up and fight for their rights. Sikhs, particularly those in Canada, must organize protests and demonstrations and demand immediate resignation of such a bigoted individual. This may also serve as a notice to the fascist government of India and its coconspirators to stop meddling in

Sikh affairs Lastly, Sikhs in general and their various organizations, should launch a propaganda campaign to get some mileage from this incident and expose how the government of Rajiv Gandhi and his Hindu zealots corroborate with other governments to malign and discredit the Sikh nation as a whole.

  1. SINGH


Article extracted from this publication >> March 25, 1988