Dear Editor:

If the news (WSN 6/6) that Rajiv Gandhi blurted out, even in his lightest moments, that he would finish Sikhs by making them fight against themselves, is even remotely true, the least one can say is that he is dangerously “immature” for the office that has been thrust upon him; and we should pity the fate of the nation that chose him as their leader. I, however, do hope that the news tums out to be false.

Notwithstanding the fact that Rajiv Gandhi nurtures vengeance and his abhorrence for Sikhs is no secret, but his blurting in an also irresponsible language, as he did, is but shameful for the entire nation. Any diplomat of average intelligence, much less a Prime Minister of a country like India, even if he nurses hatred and malice, would not confess it even in his wildest dreams.

However, all this should not be too bad for the Sikhs. It offers equal opportunities to the Sikhs, as well, who should now know better ‘what they are up against. They should now be on the alert and more vigilant so as not to be taken in by his deceitful tricks. They should be better prepared to counter his nefarious and vicious moves, If the mis-calculated statement should ever help Sikhs soldering and consolidating their fast dis-integrating forces and putting up a united front against the common onslaught, the Sikhs should be ever grateful to Rajiv Gandhi for spelling out their position in India.

‘The Sikhs have thus been provided with a motivation to shed their differences and sink their personal pride or petty feuds to face the challenge, Internal disunity, as is peculiar to any nation in the world, is the threat of all threats to Sikhs who are passing through a perilous crisis that threatens their survival. And, God forbid, if they fail to rise to the ‘occasioned live up to their historical stead-fastness with the much needed oneness and unity, Rajiv is bound to come out with flying colors.

Sincerely, ‘Narendra Si

Dear Editor:

As the situation for Sikhs all over the world deteriorates, we must ask ourselves why this is happening. Hindu fascism is gaining ground because, except for a small percentage of the Sikh population, most Sikhs have not taken to heart the teachings of the SatGums. In a way the horrors, we have witnessed in recent years have helped to wake up many sleeping souls to the truth. Still there are people pretending to be asleep who refuse to see that a madman like Ribeiro has let loose State terrorism in Punjab fully supported by the corrupt Barnala government. Such people, when reminded of these grim facts very tactfully say, “We are not interested in politics”, one cannot be a Sikh and not be interested, in fact ‘outraged on hearing these things. ‘The Indian government has labeled every religious Sikh as an extremist but how can they say what is extreme in terms of the Sikh philosophy? In truth the Sikh philosophy does not compromise with evil. Any good Sikh is necessarily an extremist in their eyes and a terrorist, as such a Sikh is a living example of the Gurbani, How could a sinful, cowardly and untruthful person be anything but terrified when confronted by a true Sikh of the Guru? The terror and evil that people are feeling rises from their own selves and not from the Sikhs they call terrorists. As always the Khalsa will emerge victorious and wicked people will be vanquished,

Sincerely, Inder Kaur

Dear Editor:

It is very heartening to learn that (WSN 7/11) United Akali Dal and Damdami Taksal, while jointly supporting International Sikh Youth Federation, have strived to stress that there were no differences between them and that they ‘would, henceforth, make a concerted effort to fulfill Sant Bhindran ‘wale’s mission. If it is so, why have different fragments at all. We are already split in far to0 many factions politically, socially, economically, vocationally, ideologically and so on.

I wonder if we can ever learn to live united, under one banner, as our Gurus would have liked us to live. If we fail to put up a united front to face the awfully calamitous time that we are passing through; as divided, we are doomed to be reduced to naught, before too long.

Sincerely, Narendra Singh

Article extracted from this publication >> July 25, 1986