This is an “Open Letter” to Beant Singh and KPS Gill of the “Indian Puppet Government in the Punjab”

Although your acceptance of office under the patronage of the enemy of the Sikh nation is in itself an act of treachery, I leave it to the future historians to pass Judgement on that for it is up to you to choose between honor and servility.

But the wanton excesses being committed under your control and directions in violation even of the laws imposed by your masters (the Indian rulers) have made life a hell for my nation. I find it necessary to say a few words on this subject, in the hope of pricking your conscience if you have any left

It is now more than eight years since the Indian rulers launched Operation Blue Star, in which the holiest of Sikh shrines were vandalized and desecrated, thousands of innocent civilians were butchered, and thousands more were subjected to harrowing tortures.

(As reported by Press Trust of India and published by Jallander newspaper “Ajit” in its November3 issue a Government Minister has conceded in the Rajya Sabha that more than 2,700 were killed in 1984 alone. The spate of coldblooded killing of Sikhs has continued at an ever-escalating scale since then, and although 1,286 cases for these excesses were brought before the courts, not a single accused person has been convicted so far).

By launching Operation Blue Star, the Indian rulers had declared open war on the Sikh nation a war aimed at reducing the Sikhs to object slavery and denuding them of their faith, culture, language and identity.

You claim to be Sikh and, as such, it was expected of you to respond to the Indian atrocities in the same manner as the entire nation has done dissociating from the perpetrators of these atrocities and putting your weight behind the demand for a sovereign Sikh state, in which the Sikhs can live with dignity and self-respect.

But, like spineless sycophants, you have outdone your masters in pursuing anti-Sikh policies. Not only is the spate of killings of innocent Sikhs under false pretenses continuing to escalate, a new dimension has been added to the war on Sikhs by your administration. Raping of our womenfolk, parading them naked in streets, plundering the Sikh properties, preventing the friends and relatives of the victims of your murderous operations from attending their funerals, and encouraging your agents to desecrate and burn the copies of Sikh scripture, are some of the excesses even your masters had hesitated from committing.

If you think that these inhumanities will break the resolve of the Sikhs to continue their struggle for self-determination, let me remind you that submitting to tyranny is a lion to the Sikh character.

Your excesses are no less than war crimes, and you will surely be punished for these crimes sooner or later for the Sikhs, spread all over the world, are quite capable of sustaining the struggle till final victory.

Yet forgiving the penitent is also in the character of the Sikh nation which offers you the only chance of escaping punishment for the war crimes you have committed.

I would, therefore, advise you to abandon the policies of rule-by terror, stop the killings, humiliations, tortures and other war crimes. Maybe your penitence will earn you a reprieve from the punishment for what you have already done.

Failing this, you won’t escape retribution from wherever it may come,

Babbar Gurmej Singh Gill PM, Khalistan Govt. in Exile

Article extracted from this publication >> September 25, 1992