Dear Editor,

One day I asked my teacher, ‘‘what is a supervisor.”’ He explained to me that a supervisor is a person who supervises the work of others. News from India (country of my origin) indicated that the work of the government of India of unsurpassable mass massacre of Sikh men, women and children in India last November was supervised by one Giani Zail Singh whom people of that great country call ‘‘President.’”’ His countrymen say that the. ‘‘President”’ supervised this “‘sacred’’ job in an exemplary manner which the government of that country and its men applauded very much.

I therefore concluded that Giani Zail Singh is an excellent supervisor. I am therefore sending this letter to you with the request that it should be given maximum publicity worldwide so that the government of any country which requires a good supervisor to superintend mass genocide of its people, should make an application to the government of India to spare the services of Giani Zail Singh on deputation, on payment of course, even if that country has to make him ‘‘President’’ of that country temporarily. Such supervisors are a very rare commodity in the world.

Harminder (Mani)

Grade IV Student

Century Public School

Nepean — (Ottawa)


Article extracted from this publication >> March 15, 1985