WASHINGTON: According to the Sri Lankan embassy here a research physician from California has been honored by his native country for inventing a mask which prevents the exchange of saliva during crucial mouth to mouth resuscitation. Physician Don Michael works as a heart specialist at Bakersfield, CA.

The country’s highest award in science called, “Vidya Jyoti” (light of education) was announced on Feb 4 which is Sri Lanka’s Independence Day. Besides science, similar awards are also announced in fields of Politics and arts.

An excited Michael said, “This is not an international award, but is quite similar to being knighted by British queen.”

Rescue workers are reluctant to provide mouth to mouth breathing to an individual whose heart and breathing have stopped, the reluctance stems from the fear of catching AIDS. More lately American Heart Association has also advised rescue workers not to resort to mouth to mouth resuscitation to an unfamiliar individual who has vomited or has blood in the mouth.

The mask which Don Michael calls, “*kiss of life” is designed to prevent the exchange of saliva during resuscitation maneuver and can be helpful) to prevent the spread of AIDS.

Article extracted from this publication >> February 23, 1990