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LOS ANGELES, CA: The LA Sikh Gurdwara dispute which had become a source of embarrassment to the Sikh Community all over the country atlas tended with the election of a new management committee headed by Sardar Jasbir Singh Tung, the chairman and 11 members, On Dec.i8 the new chairman is a well-known Sikh who is expected to usher in a period of peace and harmony in the LA Sikh community. He is well known for his peace loving nature, moderate views and as a very successful businessman.
Jasbir Singh Tung told the WSN Knows, that he plans to form a committee called Sikh Gurdwaras Prabhandak Committee of Los Angeles. This Committee will have the representatives of local gurdwaras. He said, “I believe that Sikh gurdwara problem should not be taken to legal courts, but should be solved by common Sikh Body.” “What happened in the Gurdwara two months ago was very sad. T wish that such kind of things would not happen in any Gurdwara” he added. He opined that the Los Angeles Gurdwara will be run according to the bylaws and Guru Maryada.
The Los Angeles Gurdwara will resume regular service from Sunday Dec.26, The new committee has requested the whole Sadh Sangat of Los Angeles to participate in the reopening ceremony and join in the Ardas.
The members elected to the Management Committee are; Chairman, Jasbir Singh Tung; President, Bakhshish Singh Bhalru; Vice-president, Jagdish Singh Khangra; Secretary, Harbant Singh Sidhu; Treasurer, Gurbhagat Singh; Directors, Amarjit Singh Dhillon, Gurdarshan Singh Dhillon, Harminder Singh Grewal, Gurbachan Singh Grewal, Dr.Narinder Singh Grewal, Joginder Singh Sandhu. The election on Dec. 18 took place as per the court order and in the presence of the attommeys of both groups present.
Article extracted from this publication >> December 24, 1993