LOS ANGELES, Ca: The Sikhs of Los Angeles showed rare spirit of unity in organizing the 518th Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji on Sunday, November 29, at the Convention Center, Los Angeles. This auspicious function was Organized by Sikh Study Circle Inc. (Sikh Gurdwara Hollywood, L ‘A.) with the full cooperation and collaboration of the management committees of all the Gurdwara of the city and other religious and political organizations, The Convention Center was full to its capacity and attracted more than three thousand Sikhs to celebrate the Birthday of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Dr. Arjinderpal Singh Sekhon, who had been recently nominated as Member of the Khalistan Council by the Panthic Committee, congratulated the organizers for celebrating the function collectively. He appealed to the Sangat to carry on with the spirit of unity in the future, Dr, Sekhon read out the messages sent by the Panthic Committee and AIS.S.F, (Gunit Singh) to congratulate the Los Angeles Sikhs for celebrating this ‘occasion and for showing this rare spirit of unity in the panth.
He denounced the torture and maltreatment given to the mother of Bhai Harjinder Singh Jinda by the police and warned of the dire ‘consequences for such immoral actions.
The audience (Sangat) whole heartedly endorsed the appointment of Singh Sahib Bhai Gurbachan Singh Manochahal as the Acting Jathedar of Akal Takht and assured full cooperation the conduct of day-to-day activities,
The Sangat also extended full support to the freedom fighters who are fighting against the repression and oppression of the State and Central government and who sacrifice their lives to achieve freedom for the Sikh community and for the establishment of Khalistan.
Bhai Sajjan Singh Hazoori recited Gurbani, S. Karnail Singh read out a poem, appreciating the spirit of sacrifice of the freedom fighters. Giani Amolakh Singh, President of the Gurdwara Management Committee thanked the Sangat and other organizations for extending full cooperation in organizing the function jointly. He assured the Sangat to do their best to continue this spirit of unity in the days to come.
Gurdial Singh Randhawa, the Secretary of Gurdwara Committee, acted as coordinator and conducted the program in a graceful manner.
Dr. Mahesh Bhidani, the Architect of the proposed building of the Gurdwara, outlined the progress fcr getting permission of the council for starting the construction Guru’s langar was served to the ‘Sangat for the whole day
Outside the hall some stalls were arranged to sell the literature and other material.
Dr. Chanan Singh “Chan” also organized an exhibition showing some rare collections and historical documents relating to Sikh religion.
Article extracted from this publication >> December 4, 1987