VIRGINIA: Sikh Foundation of Virginia Gurdwara in Washington Metropolitan area held a special Kirtan Diwan on Sept.19, 93, to honor Sardar Hardial Singh a senior officer of the Indian Administrative Service presently serving in the Government of Punjab, He was invited in the Parliament of World Religions held in Chicago in September 1993, and presented a paper on “Self heeling through Inner Power.”

Sardar Hardial Singh, who himself practices divine name recitation faith is founder President of a mission Sarab Rog Ka Aukhad Nam (all diseases are cured by divine name recitation).

It was a golden opportunity for the Sadh Sangats of the Sikh Foundation of Virginia to know as addressed by Sardar Hardial Singh that with continual contemplation of the Satguru, Nam Simran, one’s disease and sufferings are anulled, By Guru’s word are gone all fevers and maladies and the heart’s desires fulfilled. Bani is Guru and Guru is Bani.

 To achieve such results of cure and relief, Hardial Singh and his team hold a 5 day Simran camp in which there are programs of lectures on Gurbani kirtans of Gurbani and Nam Simran, He advocated strongly that the results of cure are spectacular in this short time.

When S.Hardial Singh visits USA next time, Sikh Foundation of Virginia Sadh Sangat will definitely take advantage of his dedicated and most magnanimous service: cure all ailments with the blessing of the Almighty Waheguru. He also spoke at Guru Nanak Foundation of America in Maryland on Main Diwan on Sept.19, 93 and he was featured at many gurdwaras in the Los Angeles area.

Article extracted from this publication >>  September 24, 1993