FACT: On 25th September 1985, for the first time in modern times, the Sikh the political party, the Akali Dal, was given a clear mandate for the governance of the land erroneously called the Punjab. The mandate quite clearly affirms that the people of that land subscribe to the notion of Khalistan which must find a full expression in the policies and the actions of the Akali Government.
FACT: The need and the notion of a judicial inquiry in THE NOVEMBER INCIDENTS was accepted, though reluctantly, by Mr. Rajiv Gandhi and the Government of India quite a while ago. Nothing, however, has been done so far to even begin to ascertain facts about the barbaric massacre of some 20,000 Sikh men, women and children in November 1984.
The Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi (dubbed dynamic proclaimed effective/branded Mr. Clean), comes to Britain in the wake of what the media likes to call a successful spell at problem solving but which a political thinker would designate a period of building myths to cover up realities. The euphoria of the ‘settlement’ between Mr. Gandhi and the late Sant Longowal; the activity of campaigning for the elections; and the spurt of a new spirit because of their results, have put together, created a myth all over the world that Mr. Gandhi has solved the Sikh and the Punjab problem. . . a problem that had haunted his mother. What is not mentioned, however, is the fact that this myth making activity hides the fact of 20,000 innocent Sikh men, women and children being hacked and burnt to death in a country that claims an unbroken continuum of civilized behavior for at least 3,000 years. To mention this reality would be painful for some and shameful for others.
Many Sikhs who perished during that bleak November were related to those Sikhs who now live in Britain many who are British citizens; many who are denied access to their dear ones. The rulers of Britain pride themselves for their concern with human rights all over the world. They even link aid and trade with human rights. In this instance, however, they have remained singularly silent sacrificing principles for trading profits. The Sikh community in Britian expects and demands from Her Majesty’s Government and, in particular from the Prime Minister, Mrs. Thatcher, that the issue of justice to the Sikhs in this situation where their human rights have been breached and civil liberties violated be raised with the Indian Prime Minister not only privately but publicly. The Sikhs in Britain urge all Britons to add their voice to this crusade for justice, for otherwise they would be guilty, according to the famous British jurist Sir Thomas Moore, of acquiescence by virtue of their silence.
For the Sikhs in Britian and indeed everywhere else in the world it is a matter of some satisfaction to see an Akali Government given the mandate of governance in the land of the Khalsa. To call it PUNJAB would be a misnomer. There was a time when the land that was irrigated by the waters of five rivers (PUNJS & AAB) was truly the Punjab. With its bifurcation between two nations of South Asia and further divisions in small provinces, there is no earthly justification to call it Punjab. The mandate quite clearly signifies the readiness of the people cf the area to accept Khalistan as a living reality. That living reality will also be the beginning of the Khalsa Revolution…propagated from the very land which gave to the region the Green Revolution.
The Khalsa Revolution will encompass a peaceful and nonviolent campaign to name the Territory KHALISTAN, to seek the withdrawal of forces of occupation from it and to propagate the establishment in South Asia of a truly federal structure of government in which the legitimate rights of all the peoples of that region will not only be recognized but also enshrined in such a manner as to be legally enforceable. The United States of South Asia an entity combining the Republican expanse of the Soviet Union with the administrative freedoms of the United States molded in the commercial pattern of the European Economic Community is the only alternative for preserving the harmony of the region and promoting international peace. Khalistan is the beginning of that humanitarian State.
8th October 1985.
Article extracted from this publication >> October 25, 1985