LAHORE: Jamaat-i-Islami Amir Senator Qazi Hussain Ahmad has said at present India is fighting against itself a war which will result in the independence of small enslaved states like Assam and Khalistan.

 He was addressing recently at Charring Cross a rally organized by Jamaat-i-Islami Lahore to express solidarity with the oppressed Indian Muslims and other minorities.

He said that desecration of the historic Babri Masjid and massacre of Indian Muslims was the outcome of Indian Governments utter frustration because of its failure to suppress the uprising in occupied Kashmir.

Significant feature of the rally was that Jamaat-i-Islami leaders Qazi Hussain Ahmad and Syed Assad Gilani for the first time openly declared their support for Khalistan movement which was endorsed by Moeenuddin Shah President and Nizam-e-Islam Party who also addressed the rally.

The Jamaat Chief said that after the Indian Government’s failure to quell uprising in Kashmir independence movement of Khalistan had gained momentum now being carried in the international media. Now the low-caste Hindus of Nagaland and Assam had also joined the independence movements he said

On this occasion Qazi Hussain Ahmad condemned the murder of Aqai Sadiq Ganji and described it a part of conspiracy hatched by the foreign agents. He paid rich tributes to the late Iranian diplomat for his services during his three-and-a-half-year stay in Lahore.

Calling upon the government to take immediate measures for exposing the hands behind Ganjis murder the Jamaat Chief appealed to the Islamic Ummah to forge unity in their ranks to frustrate the nefarious designs of the enemies of Islam

The rally was also addressed by Lahore JI President Syed Asad Gilani and other leaders including Farid Ahmad Piracha Maulana Moeenuddin Shah.

Article extracted from this publication >> January 4, 1991