NEW YORK: Senator Edward Kennedy has expressed concern over anti-Muslim riots in India and said he would do everything to end the bloodshed.

“Please be assured that I will do all I can to uphold Muslim wellbeing”, he said in a letter to a newly formed organization of Indian Muslims that brought to his attention the widespread killing of Muslims in Meerut and New Delhi.

Sen. Kennedy’s letter to the committee for protection of Muslims in India has been published in the latest issue of the ‘Minaret’, a weekly journal owned by Abdul Munium, an Indian Muslim.

“I stand firmly for the release of political and religious prisoners, and for the protection of those subject to racial violence in India”, he said.

“J assure you that I will do everything I can rapidly to end the bloodshed”. In an editorial the “Minaret’ said. “No doubt the genocide of Muslims in India”, by any standards, is a crime against humanity and of course, those countries which are not expressing their concern to the government of India, are also sharing their responsibility (in this regard)”.

Article extracted from this publication >>  July 10, 1987