NEW DELHI (PTI): An organization of Hindus who have migrated from Kashmir, alleging “atrocities by Muslim secessionists in the valley, has demanded that the Indian government sever all ties with Pakistan, which it says is fomenting trouble there.

“All diplomatic relations with Pakistan must be severed to demonstrate the total disapproval of Indian people of whatever Pakistan has been doing towards promoting terrorism in Kashmir and Punjab,” Dr. Ajay Chrangoo, spokesman of the ‘Panun Kashmir’ told reporters.

India can solve the Kashmir problem unilaterally withstanding all external pressures, said Dr.Chrangoo, whose Panun Kashmir has recently raised the demand for a separate homeland for Hindusin the valley to be under Indian ‘control.

Dr.Chrangoo also demanded that Pakistan be declared a “terrorist State” by all political parties, sociocultural organizations and religious institutions, and that “political postures’ should replace ‘political rhetoric.’

Article extracted from this publication >> January 28, 1994