VIRGINIA: As in previous years the Sikh Foundation of Virginia held a Special Diwan on Nov.11992 to commemorate the killings of Sikhs in 1984 during the riots inspired by the Indian Government in Delhi and other cities in India. A large congregation assembled in the Gurdwara Sahib to listen to the tales of atrocities and injustice committed by the Indian Government against Sikhs not only in Punjab but in other parts of India as well.

The Gurdwara Gianiji explained the outrageous role played by Indira Gandhi Inflicting insults and cruelty on Sikhs has become a dynamic force in India. Her hunger for power did not allow her to admire the aspirations of Sikhs in India. A speaker from Montreal narrated Gurus Bani and explained that Sikhs have been tortured because of their belief in truthful living.

The highlight of the program was the visit of Jim Moran an incumbent congressman in the US Congress. He condemned strongly the violation of human rights in Punjab and explained that in the new US Congress he would work in appropriate Committee to influence law and policymakers to support the cause of Sikhs in India. In her welcome speech to the Congressman Mrs. Veena K.Oberoi the Secretary of SFV expressed the hope of the Sikh community in the Greater Washington area that Mr.Moran would provide support to the community in fighting undemocratic control mechanisms of the Indian Government over Sikh rights Moran thanked the congregation for giving him the opportunity to know personally the Sikh community and after the Bhog Ceremony discussed the situation of Sikhs in Punjab with members of the Board and Congregation.

He asked the participants to provide him information on this so as to help him in making his voice heard in appropriate circles of the US Government against genocide of Sikhs.

Article extracted from this publication >> November 13, 1992