NEW DELHI: Janata Dal (Ajit) recently demanded an inquiry by the Central Bureau of Investigation into the alleged attempt to murder party MP and former Union Minister Upendra Nath Verma and another party leader Vishnu Dev Roy in Bihar. Addressing newspersons, JD(A) national secretary Dhirendra Pratap said while the two leaders escaped, the brother and the brother in law of Vishnu Dev Roy were killed by anti-socials, The Bihar Government had failed to provide a security to the two D(A) leaders as they belonged to the rival party, Pratap said.
Verma, who was also present at the Press conference, gave a de tailed account of the shooting incident on March 7 in Gaya. He said he had gone to Chatra, his constituency, to attend a meeting and did not have the necessary security with him. He told news persons that he came back to Gaya on March 7 and by then the word had spread that he did not have the security. As he was going to board the Rajdhani Express late in the evening, his car was waylaid by local antisocial.
Article extracted from this publication >> March 19, 1993