STOCKTON, CA: Singh Sahib Prof, Manjit Singh Jathedar of Akal Takhat Sahib has been in North America for six weeks. This week visited Los Angeles, Delano, Fresno, San Jose and Stockton in California. After visiting San lose Gurdwara Sahib, he came to Stockton. Even though regular Diwan at Gurdwara Sahib had concluded the Sangat from Yuba City Tussock area were waiting anxiously to hear hits views, S. Ujjal Singh Dhatt welcomed the Singh to the First Gurdwara Sahib in North America and media place for him to train more Sikh preachers who can teach Sikhism to Sikh children in the western countries. S. Jagjit Singh Boparai requested him to become politically more active especially to lead the Khalistan movement and travel abroad more. Dr. Gurinder Singh Grewal compared his situation to Abriham Lincoln, When Lincoln became the 16th president, Southern Slates were leaving the union and even Union Army Generals Were not ready t0ofight for victory. Ii took Lincoln 2 1/2 years to fight General Grant. Dr. Grewal also requested Jathedar Sahib (0 lead Sikh nation to victory and “to help us Unite at the time of crisis.” The Doctor also promised all help, Cooperation and sacrifice to Singh Sahib if he decided to take up the challenge, S, Manjit Singh Secretary of Gurdwara Sahib presented resolution to Jathedar Sahib from the Sangat, This resolution really represented the aspirations and mind and soul of sangai. Dr. Rajwant Singh gave a brief speech Of Singh Sahib’s accomplishment in North America. He explained that an organization of Sikh Preachers and Gurdwara Management has been started. He also asked for cooperation from everybody with Prof, Kehar Singh of Punjabi University who accompanied Singh Sahib when he made an emotional speech mainly emphasizing that we need to respect our own Jathedar Sahib.

Prof. Manjit Singh addressed the Sangat through Kirtan, He explained that if we will accept the teachings of Guru Sahib and become a truce Sikh our problems will be over. He also emphasized that if we become Sikhs and ask our Guru Sahib about our needs rather than looking towards Delhi we will be better off, His emphasis was hat Sikhs should love and respect each other and also sit down to discuss the differences and problems on the basis of truth and stop defaming each other.

The full details of his lecture are being published in the Punjabi section. His speech was very emotional and serious. Even though he avoided direct reference to some of the questions people wanted to hear, he conveyed the meaning. He also conveyed that this trip to the U.S.A.’s first Gurdwara in Stockton to start by Gaddar party was like a pilgrimage for him. He also requested to the Sangat to give him their blessings so that he can perform his duty. In the closing he lead the Sangat in the prayer Of unity for the Sikh panth as requested by secretary S. Manjit Singh. Following is the full text of resolution presented to him on behalf of Sikh Sangat of Stockton.

WHEREAS, the Sikh Nation in Khalistan today suffers under oppression by the Indian Government that is far worse than any oppression that we had suffered under British rule. WHEREAS, 20 to 30 Sikhs are killed every day at the hands of Indian Government police and security forces.

WHEREAS, tens of thousands of Sikhs are tortured and imprisoned without charge or trial and are denied access to legal counsel and family members.

WHEREAS, our holiest shrines, including the Golden Temple, have been repeatedly desecrated by the Indian Government.

WHEREAS, those who seek to help our Sikh youth escape Indian Government brutality are themselves brutalized.

WHEREAS, Sukhwinder Singh Bhatti, an attorney who was defending Sikh youths accused of political crimes, was himself abducted by Indian Government death squads, and that he is the fourth lawyer to be abducted by Government death squads.

WHEREAS, Jagmit Singh Brar, and Indian Member of Parliament, stated that 11,000 Sikhs have recently been murdered by police while they were in jail, July 29, 1994 Des Pardes}

WHEREAS, our most faithful brothers and sisters, Amritdhari Sikhs, are targeted by police and security officials as criminals who can b anytime regardless of reason, and tortured.  

WHEREAS, there is hardly a Sikh family that does not have a friend or a relative who has been arrested, lured andio1 the! WHEREAS, at least 115,000 Sikhs men, women and children have lost their lives because of the Indian Government’s unquenchable)

WHEREAS, Kanwar Singh Dhami along with his pregnant wife and six year old child, were all jailed and tortured in, front of each other in order Kanwar Singh Dhami to renounce Khalistan. Instead of renouncing Khalistan, Mr. Dhami publicly ridiculed K.P.S. Gill and spoke truthfully about torture and the fact that the police blackmailed his family. As a result of her torture, Mrs. Dhami lost her baby and to this day, the Dhami’s remain injait.

 WHEREAS, elected governments have consistently been dissolved and President Rule has been imposed ten times.

WHEREAS, the genocidal polices against the Sikh Nation, although designed in Delhi, have been implemented by Sikhs, particularly by Chief Minister Beant Singh and K.P.S.Gill.

WHEREAS, Beant Singh and K.P.S. Gill have the blood of tens of thousands of Sikhs directly on their hands.

WHEREAS, even non-Sikhs, such as MP George Fernandez, have called for K.P.S.Gill to be jailed for life. Sikhs also request you to talk to American Government for release of Ranjit Singh Gill and Sukhminder Singh Sandhu .

WHEREAS, we will never be able to call ourselves Sikhs before God and the beloved Gurus if we do not openly and unreservedly condemn the act of Beant Singh and K.P.S. Gill and if we fall to act affirmatively against the Indian Government’s unstated policy of genocide against our Sikh Nation.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Houston Sangat respectfully requests Sri Singh Sahib, Professor Manjit Singh, Jathedar of Sri Akal Ti Sahib to issue the following Hukam Names:

  1. To Declare the Director General of [Punjab] Police K.P.S. Gill and Chief Minister Beant Singh as Tankayas.
  2. Call upon all Sikhs to boycott the Indian Government.

III. Raise the slogan of “India Quit Khalistan” and to call upon the Sikh Nation to unite and start a Shantmai Morcha ta liberates Khalistan.

Article extracted from this publication >> August 26, 1994