Involuntary disappearances have been a common feature of human rights abuses in the Punjab, India. The United Nations Working Group on Involuntary Disappearances is investigating more than 200 cases of disappearances in the Punjab. Human rights activists have long maintained that the real incidence runs into thousands but fear of recriminations by the police has prevented people reporting to the right authorities. In view of this, a two member committee of the Human Rights• Wing of the Akali Dal decided to investigate the matter from official sources. The findings are staggering. A preliminary count has shown that over 25,000 unidentified bodies have been registered in various municipal cremation grounds! These are people who ‘disappeared’ in the Punjab and their relatives still await news of their whereabouts.
The investigating team consists of Mr Jaspal Singh Dhillon and Mr Jaswant Singh Khalra. It started its work in August 1994. The records checked were;
Police records where available at the courts.
Municipal files on stock register where cremation records are held. Government oflndia, Birth and Death register.
Although threats were made by the police, the investigation was made public from the outset to prevent any recrimination. The statistical findings completed on two areas are as follows:
Patti Cremation grounds. Records from 1986 to 1994. show 1135 unidentified bodies.
Taran Taran; 1915.
Amritsar city; 2967.
Amritsar district total ; 6017.
This is just one district. There are 13 districts in Punjab.
Some of the specific cases are;
Bagel Singh alias Gurdarshan Singh of village Deriwal was abducted by the Pmtjab police from another province, Bihar. The news of his arrest was widely reported in the Punjab press. Various human rights organisations expressed concern for his safety fearing death by a faked encounter. On 19.1.92, the police, while fully aware of his identity, brought him to Durgiana mandir cremation grounds as unidentified and unclaimed body.
Mr Piara Singh s/o Shingara Singh, Director of Central Co-operative Bank in Amritsar had gone to visit relatives in a farm in Pilibhit in Uittar Pardesh. One morning a jeep drove up to the farm with a team of ‘doctors’ attired in white coats. They said that a V .LP was coming to the village to inaugurate a gov’t clinic and they wanted some respectable citizens. They requested Mr Piara Singh to accompany them. He ended up at the Durgiana mandir cremation ground on 16-12-92.
Mr Pargat Singh was under going treatment at the Guru Nanak Hospital, Amritsar. He was abducted by the Raja Sansi police and his unidentified body was brought to the Durgiana Mandir cremation grounds on 5-11-92.
The procedures followed by the Punjab police have been in abrogation of its own rules. The Punjab Police Rules No 3 Rule 25.38 in Chapter XXV, lays down the procedure as.;
If a body is unidentified the officer making the investigation shall record a ceareful description of it, giving all marks , peculiarities, deformities and distinctive features, shall .take finger impressions and in addition to taking all other reasonable steps to secure identification shall, if possible, have it photographed and in case where such action appears desirable a description published in the criminal intelligence Gazette.
Unidentified corpses should be handed over to any charitable society which is willing to accept them and ifno such society comes forward they should.then be buried or burned.
• These procedures were not followed by the police. And contradicting its own records, the police has given the identity of the body and even the village of the person but later disposed ofit as ‘unidentified’ or ‘unknown.’ The nature of deaths were not given and post mortems were avoided.
The human rights wing of the Shiromani Akali Dal is concerned at the large number of unidentified bodies cremated and feel that a national and an international enquiry needs to be started into this horrendous crime. The relatives of the people who have ‘disappeared’ need to be informed where possible so that they can perform last rites.
Thank You,
Civil Writ Petition No. _ of 1995
J.S.Dhillon son of S. Vijay Singh
Resident of 672, Phase vi, Mohali, Distt. Ropar.
1, State of Panjab through Chief Secret.arY, Panjab•Govt. Chandigarh
2, Secretary, Department of Home Affairs, Panjab Govt.
+ Civil Writ petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India by way of Public Interest L.itighation for issuance of writ of Mandamus or any other appropriate writ order, or direction be issued deirecting the respondents to order an independent probe into the cremation of thousands unclaimed of unidentified bodies in the Distt Amritsar. It is further prayed that the report of the independent agency be made public and families whose children are missing from quite some time be informed about the whereabouts of thei children, so that their eternal wait may stop.
Respectfully showeth,
1, That the petitioner is resident of MOhali and is citizen of India, hence competent to invoke extraordinary writ jurisdiction of this Hon’ble court.’
2, That the petitioner is a_human rights activist and is also a member of Akali Dal (J\lllritsar), Human Right1;1 _Wing. The Human Righta Wing of Akali Dal(A) conducted a suryey of cremation groilnds in Distt. Amritsar and found that thousands_ of bodies have been cremated in these cremation grounds at the behest of different police stations in the.area as being unclaimed or unidentified. During he survey_ o:t; the a_:i:.eas ,,. i_t was also found that about two thousand families, are,. iI\,.c,J/:l-e_ eternal wait for their children to return as._ they do n_ot; believe the police version as to whether their, chil_qren . are dead or alive. In number of cases where the police claimed that the man was dead was in fact found alive. In one Harjit I, Singh’s case belonging to Butter Kalan ,Teh. Baba Bakala, the police claimed that Harjit was killed_in an encounter on 12 th April,93. A hebeas Corpus petition was filed by’ his father Kashmir Singh in this Hon’ble court and a warrant Officer . .•,: . Mr. R.L.Bhatia was appointed to know the whereabouts of …., .: .. • ..-1t:–••!,. Harjit Singh. Mr. Bhatia visited Mall Mandi, Amritsar on 17th Oct.93 and found Harjit Singh standing in a celi..over there. Though Harjit Singh was whisked away from that plai:e,, qut ,t;h fact is that Harjit was found alive even atte:r;_; h.f3 was daclared dead by the police five montns back. Such like incidents have totally shaken the faith of the people in the functioning of the police.
3, That as per the report submitted by the.Human Rights.wing Akali Dal (A), there are about two thousand families. in the border Distt of Amritsar who are waiting for their_ wards and kin to come back. Accordingto the report, several hundred bodiies have bewen cremated by the police in the. crematorium of the Municipal Corporation, Amritsar as being unclaimed. At the Municipal Crematorium, Patti, 400 bodiies as- being unclaimed or unidentified were cremated and at the crematorium at Tarn Taran, _the number is 700. A news .report to the said effect was published in different news papers. including The Tribune dated 2nd Jan.95. The said news item.is annexed along with as annexure Pl. The list of bodies cremated at Durgiana cremation grounds as bieng unidentified or unclaimed between Jan.92 to Dec.92. by Panjab police is annexed along with as annexure P2.
4, That the perusal of annexure P2 shocks the human conscience that so many persons were killed and disposed off in a clandestine manner, when thousand of families. are waiting for the return of their nearest ones that one day they will come back. The least that the govt. can do is to provide the correct indformation to these families about their kith and kin whose whereabouts are not known.
5, That now that the terrorism has been wiped out from the state of Panjab, the govt. should come out clean and provide the correct information and details of the. bodies cremated aS being unidentified or unclaimed. In the interest of justice, it is neccessary that an independent probe be ordered in to the whole matter to reach out the truth so that thousands of familis are given a sigh of relief.
6, That the law of the land provides that the life and liberty of an individual cannot be taken away except by due cause of law, but in the present case thousands of persons have been klled and disposed of in a most brutal manner.
7, That the respndents are liable to order an independent probe into the whole matter and also inform the parents of the deceased persons so that their eternal wait for their dear ones comes to an end.
8, That the main law point involved in the petition is:
i) Whether the respondents are bound to order an independent probe in to the cremation of thousands of unidentified and unclaimed bodies in the distt. of Amritsar from the last three years and also inform thousands of families about the whereabouts of their children who are missing from quite some time, in the interest of justice.
9, That the petitioner has no other such or equally efficacious remedy before him except by way of this writ_petition.
10, That the peitioner has not filed such or similar writ petition either in this Hon’ble court or Supreme Court of India.
IN the premises, it is respectfuly prayed that:
i, Need for certified copies of annexures may please be dispensed with.
ii, Need for advance notices may also be dispensed with.
iii, Petition be allowed with costs.
Issue writ of mandamus or any other appropriate writ ‘order or direction be issued directing the respondents to order an independent probe by C.B.I. or aome other independent agency in to the crematiorr of thousands of bodies in the cremation grounds of district Amritsar and also informed thousands of families about the whereabouts of their children so that their eternal wait comes to an end And for this the petitioner as duty bound shall ever pray.
Through COun!i.el
Verified that the contents of paras l to are true and correct .to my knowledge. Paras and are as per the legal advice which I believe to be true. No part of it ·is false and nothing material has been concealed therefrom.
Recovery Dead bodies | Date of Death | Details | No. of Bodies |
4-1-92 | Not known | From P.S. Bias | 01 |
16-1-92 | 13-1-92 | Bhikhi V in Encounter one Dead Body | 01 |
20-1-92 | 16-1-92 | Male 20 year (No Details) | 01 |
19-1-92 | Male 23 year | 02 | |
Gurprit P.S. Kathu Nangal, Village Chana | |||
Gurdarshan @ Baghet Singh P.S. GaRrkhkuna | 02 | ||
27-1-92 | 23-1-92 | Unknown | 01 |
30-1-92 | 28-1-92 | Bullet Injuries Khalsa College, P.S. Sadar | 01 |
29-1-92 | Bullet Injuries, Ranjit Avenue, P.S. Civil Line | 01 | |
1-2-92 | Guru ki Vadali, Postmortem, Medical College. | 02 | |
3-2-92 | Sukhdev Singh MW Jaduwa | 01 | |
6-2-92 | Unclaimed Jandiala | 01 | |
15-2-92 | 14-2-92 | Hussainova Bridge | 01 |
22-2-92 | 19-2-92 | 40-Well, Krishna Nagar, Mafe-17, Male-35 yrs | 02 |
18-2-92 | Salman Bittu Vill. Liddah | 01 | |
21-2-92 | Thana Kotwali-1 | 01 | |
12-3-92 | Unclaimed Encounter, Postmortem, Medical College. | 01 | |
21-3-92 | 17-3-92 | Chamanwal Road | 01 |
24-3-92 | 22-3-92 | Chaman2 Road | 01 |
29-3-92 | 26-3-92 | Chaman2 Road | 01 |
1-4-92 | 2-4-92 | Sikh 26yrs. | 01 |
1-4-92 | 1-4-92 | No Entry – Dead Body-I | 01 |
2-4-92 | 2-4-92 | -Do- | 01 |
2-4-92 | 2-4-92 | -Do- | 01 |
19-4-92 | 19-4-92 | Partap NaZar | 01 |
19-4-92 | 19-4-92 | -Do- | 01 |
26-4-92 | 27-4-92 | Thana JanSaib Makbhoor | 01 |
27-4-92 | 28-4-92 | Thana Sadar | 01 |
27-4-92 | 28-4-92 | Thana Bias | 01 |
1-5-92 | 1-5-92 | Detail – 25yrs. Male Sikh, Postmortem Medical College | 01 |
4-5-92 | 5-5-92 | Jandiala | 02 |
5-5-92 | 6-5-92 | Thana de | 01 |
16-5-92 | 12-5-92 | Sukhwinder, Surjit and another one, P.S. Lonoke | 03 |
14-5-92 | – | Male-20, Male-23, Chamaru Road | 02 |
16-5-92 | 16-5-92 | Male-24, Details – Postmortem | 01 |
20-5-92 | – | Khublokie Drei | 01 |
25-5-92 | 20-5-92 | No Entry | 01 |
19-5-92 | – | Encounter – Sri Naaz | 02 |
27-5-92 | 22-5-92 | Ranjit Katha Nangal | 01 |
22-5-92 | – | Sucha Singh and two unknown, Meerankot | 03 |
27-5-92 | – | Male-28, Male-34, Female-31 | 03 |
27-5-92 | – | Bullet Injuries, Male-23, Khalar | 01 |
26-5-92 | – | Bullet Injuries, Chamkur Sahib, Rousr | 01 |
28-5-92 | – | Male-25, Male-23, Sultan Vill – Encounter, Manawala | 02 |
28-5-92 | – | Davinder Singh, Partap Singh, Jandiala | 02 |
31-5-92 | – | Encounter, Dalbir Singh S/o Joginder Singh, Satnam Singh S/o Sher Singh | 02 |
1-6-92 | – | Near Verka-Male-28 – Postmortem | 01 |
2-6-92 | 2-6-92 | Male-27 | 01 |
– | – | — | 01 |
3-6-92 | – | Unknown | 01 |
3-6-92 | – | Ramuwal, Chohla i Sahib | 01 |
3-6-92 | Jaswiot-jcx and Another one fab.ibgari Shukarchak | 02 | |
5-6-92 | Ranjit Singh, Chite k-ilna | 01 | |
5-6-92 | Nirru(il Singh S/o Bishan Sin!.,h , Padtri | 01 | |
Sita S/o Annik Singh Padori | 01 | ||
Jagtiat S/o Daliip Singh kaito | 01 | ||
Sarwan S/o Mahinder Makhi | 01 | ||
Satnam S/o Jarnali Makhi | 01 | ||
Unknown, Saifong | 03 | ||
5-6-92 | Unknown, Landala Naeta | 01 | |
74-92 | Baserke Gilau | 01 | |
6-6-92 | Bias | 01 | |
12-6-92 | Bias | 01 | |
13-6-92 | 18-6-92 | Encounter-Postmox lam | 02 |
18-6-92 | ChinaKhuud | 01 | |
19-6-92 | Fateboard Cheorian | 02 | |
13-6-92 | 20-6-92 | Kalex-P. S. Anuila | 01 |
13-6-92 | 20-6-92 | Kulwani Singh and one merchanted P.S. Kakku Nangal | 02 |
24-6-92 | Unknown | 02 | |
24-6-92 | Laskhavstudier, Jaswiotjc kaut Khalsa, Chohri Wala Bhalla-Sultanvind Gate, Miliant-Blutoinder Sin2h 1802. | 02 | |
23-6-92 | Unclaim ed….Vijil Bucci. | 01 | |
24-6-92 | Jaswiotjc, Encounter Madunder, Encounter Khatzwan | 02 | |
24-6-92 | Gurdajji Singh Bias | 01 | |
26-6-92 | Male-24 | 01 | |
24-6-92 | Bhai Sukhdip Singh Vili Pal | 01. | |
26-6-92 | Maia wala | 01 | |
26-6-92 | 28-6-92 | Male-30, Female-22, Encounter-Postmortam, Medical imbille | 02 |
28-6-92 | Encounter-Housing Board | 02 | |
30-6-92 | P.S. Mahita | 01 | |
1-7-92 | P.S. Ainoia | 01 | |
* | 2-7-92 | P.S. Bhaoa Khurd. | 01 |
3-7-92 | 3-7-92 | Suzjit Singh and Another one, Muchal- P.S. Jandiala | 02 |
5-7-92 | P.S. Lo-ke | 02 | |
6-7-92 | Udham Siosh/Gaiso Singh, one Hoidentitch, Bridge-San,,-a Kin. | 02 | |
7-7-92 | Unknown-Thana Mehta | 01 | |
10-7-92 | Do-Daoa Jaddala | 01 | |
11-7-92 | soc:’thana Kathu Nana! | 01 | |
11-7-92 | 12-7-92 | Manjit Singh/Dalip Singh, Baljinder Singh/Dalbit Singh, Ranjit Stoch Satibula | 03 |
14-7-92 | Encounter-Male-25, Gaoda Nak’ Hbal Road | 01 | |
13-7-92 | Jaddala | 01 | |
14-7-92 | Subeg Singh Bastok, Bhaiyi | 01 | |
20-7-92 | 17-7-92 | Badak Encounter | 03 |
16-7-92 | Udeke Encounter-Paramit-Lrink Stoch | 03 | |
17-7-92 | Dhinka Encounter-Surindar Singh/ Dalip Stoch. | 01 | |
18-7-92 | Unclaimed | 02 | |
18-7-92 | Parlifilder/Satviod er, Dastmoriam, Medical Collaze. | 02 | |
24-7-92 | 22-7-92 | Jabhowa Encounter-Jabbi Singh/Sajat Singh, Jerusalem, Singh/ Kishan Stoch | 02 |
22-7-92 | Chouki Kamon. | 01 | |
23-7-92 | Paramiji/J as want, Ramdas | 01 | |
24-7-92 | Gurwinder, Singh, Sahisla | UI | |
25-7-92 | Sukhdev, Sukha, Atari | 01 | |
29-7-92 | Kashmir And another one Thana Lonoke | 02 | |
28-7-92 | Postmortam MediCal Colic1c. | 01 | |
28-7-92 | Bulick Injuries-Hari Singh, Mangal Singh Manila | 02 | |
31-7-92 | Dilsher Singh, P.S. Ainsia | 01 | |
1-8-92 | Pzem, Singh, Viii. Khammu | 01 | |
1-8-92 | Bhiowal | 01 | |
5-8-92 | Male-19 + Male20, Encounter, Eatak Dhal Road, –Postmortam Medical College. * | 02 | |
6-8-92 | Achet Singh S/o Jal Singh, Encounter-P.S. Loooke | 01 | |
6-8-92 | Joginder Singh, Viii. Batur. | 01 | |
6-8-72 | Viii.Ludth-it | 01 | |
13-8-92 | 11-8-92 | Encounter.Nawdi | UI |
13-8-92 | Viii. Plujuri | 01 | |
16-8-92 | Ranian | 01 | |
15-8-92 | Diluka | 01 | |
19-8-92 | Uncl3imcd, Burj Thana Malitha | 01 | |
21-8-92 | Postmartam Medical collc.c | 01 | |
21-8-92 | Thana Lodroke | UI | |
22.8.92 | Majitha, Road By Pass | 01 | |
25.8.92 | 21.8.92 | Do | 01 |
22.8.92 | Do | 01 | |
25.8.92 | 23.8.92 | Amrik, Singh aqd, anhar,Makherzincil | 02. |
28.8., 92 | 23.8.92 | Saestar/Gurman Sin h___._ _ | – |
H ar d i p Daega/Kuluvani Sin2b | |||
Unknown Pul Nehar | |||
Baway | 03 | ||
26.8.92 | 26.8.92 | M aloo k 03 Singh/Khajan Singh Mas, Singh/Chaoan Singh Uojdenliffegi Encounter JabinZir | |
30.8.92 | 27yrs Male 01 Makbuloura | ||
1.9.92 | Thana Ghariada-1- | 01 | |
7.9.92 | 2.9.92 | Ville2e Rastiks | 01 |
5.9.92 | Manzal Singh Malese Olokas | 01 | |
7.9.92 | Rabeci, Singh-Hera Kshmal, and Kalja-Bhanthal Bhomau | 04 | |
3.9.92 | Ville2e Jalal | 01 | |
9.9.92 | Sabbir, Singh Hohkun | 01 | |
5.9.92 | 13.9.92 | Beldev, Singh Lakhyundar, Singh Jazdevais | 02 |
5.9.92 | 13.9.92 | Unknown Drain Malian | 03 |
5.9.92 | 13.9.92 | Dalbir Singh Balwinder Sahib Singh,Kuluvant Saiap P.S. Mehta | 05 |
1.9.92 | 18.9.92 | Encounter Parlap Nagar Postmortem MC. | 02 |
1.9.92 | 16.9.92 | -Centershiali– | 01 |
19.92 | 16.9.92 | Sham Singh/Bhau Singh, Lakhumdet Singh/Harehand Singh Unknown Malax P.S. Kathu Naal | 05 |
21.9.92 | 18.9.92 | Unclaimed | 01 |
21.9.92 | Hengal Dolu Khera P.S.Bist | 01 | |
17.9.92 | Thana Matuba | 01 | |
17.9.92 | Unidentified | 01 | |
21.9.92 | 19.9.92 | Thana Thasa | 01 |
20.9.92 | Uacliamed, Ghatala | 02 | |
20.9.92 | Unclaimed Kathu NanRal | 01 | |
20.9.92 | Unclaimed Diluka Mehta | 01 | |
28.9.92 | 25.9.92 | Swaran Siligh and another one Thana Loonka | 02 |
24.9.92 | Gurji Singh/Mo hinder Singh, Ashok Kumar/Baldex Raj, Hermet and Ranjit Ibaian Lidhraj | 04 | |
24.9.92 | Sarbiset and Unclaimed Villegas Tsema | 05 | |
25.9.92 | Bajunder, P.S. Jandida | 01 | |
29.9.92 | 26.9.92 | Jozsa Singh, Hardeen Hera, Gurman Juwal | 04 |
29.9.92 | Kot-Khaba | 01 | |
3.10.92 | 30.9.92 | Bullet Encounter 23yrs Male+26yrs Male Sakeed Lidham Singh Naar | 02 |
29.9.92 | Ajatpour P.S. Mattha | 03 | |
7.10.92 | Bajwinder Singh Shabour | 01 | |
7.10.92 | 30.9.92 | Adhut Kaur | 02 |
3.10.92 | Chyinda | 03 | |
2.10.92 | Unclaimed Bogarsi | 01 | |
Recovery Dead Bodies | Date of Death | Details | No. of Dead Bodies |
27.10.92 | 23.10.92 | Encounter | 02 |
23.10.92 | P.S. Mehta | 01 | |
26.10.92 | Singla- | 01 | |
26.10.92 | Unknown Post-Max tom Xerks | 01 | |
29.10.92 | Villea-Padbari | 01 | |
30.10.92 | T e r s e m02 (Sema)AnoManP.S.Ramdas | ||
3.11.92 | 30.10.92 | Mabatajan pura P.S. Jardala | 03 |
1.11.92 | Maaili-Guratset-Kabali | 02 | |
9.11.92 | 3.11.92 | “Randir Singh Chaos Singh Dalum” | 01 |
9.11.92 | 3.11.92 | Unclaimed-Faraz gazu | 01 |
9.9.92 | 5.11.92 | Paral Singh Bullen P.S. Kan Santi | 01 |
‘ | 5.11.92 | Villea-Mallian | 01 |
6.11.92 | Krishan-Anoop-Simo | ||
Kuldesp-Uukoorra Neher Gate Barala | 04 | ||
24.11.92 | 17.11.92 | Sahib Singh, Jaayram Singh Urakizutikid Vilkes Kadian | 04 |
24.11.92 | 19.11.92 | Koril-Nasane Khan | 05 |
20.11.92 | P.S. Ahula | 01 | |
25.11.92 | Gurdes Singh P.S Ol Dandier | ||
24.11.92 | P.S. Ratavani | 01 | |
25.11.92 | Encounter in Arjun Nagar 19yrs Malet-IcKrA Male | 02 | |
30.11.92 | Yarlam Singh +24Yrs Male Encounter P.S Chkrasar | 02 | |
5.12.12 | 2.12.92 | 0 a l w i n d e j o l Singh/Kartar Singh Village Ramdioli | |
7.10.92 | 4.10.92 | U n k a o w a 01 | |
Encounter | |||
19.10.92 | 10.10.92 | Unclaimed Kbase 02 | |
11.10.92 | Blaiau Catan 01 | ||
11.10.92 | Behar 01 | ||
11.10.92 | Karin Narzel 01 | ||
11.10.92 | Bikramlii Kadhu Nana’al 01 | ||
18.10.92 | Unclaimed Thana Lopoka 01 | ||
20.10.92 | P.S. Main 01 | ||
2.12.92 | Unknown Dijasa Danddar. | 02 | |
6.12.92 | P.S. Lopoka | 01 | |
6.12.92 | Unknown Sabkod Uddan Singh Nager Zywinkle | 01 | |
19.12.92 | Unknown on 01 Sulapayaba | 01 | |
19.12.92 | 16.12.92 | Subdako Singh 4tyu Male Razana Singh S/o Sangira Sing 24yrs Male Post Mortem Medical Collect | 02 |
2.12. 92 | Sardar, Singh Khaledara | 01 | |
25.12.92 | PS. Jandida Guru | 01 | |
25.12. 92 | R S O Tanaka (Matsaya) | 02 | |
25.12.92 | Lakavander Singh Sakranat Singh Harpal Kaur Lakavander Singh Terisin Singh Guridul Singh Villo’a Dhulika | 03 | |
27.12.92 | Chatir, Singh Anna Oi Sinah MUSHabad – Udas own-Postmortem | 01 | |
28.12.92 | 24yrs P.S, B-Ol Dirkion Botmanian | 01 | |
30.12.92 | D. alikas t-Kasan ir Shala P.S. Ainsha | 01 | |
Jagir: Singh/Tiakur Ol Singh Ainsha | 01 | ||
30.12.92 | Unknown Raeipur, 01 Ratantan | 01 | |
Total Dead Bodies | 300 | ||
Name Recorded | 11 | ||
Unidentified | 1-3 | ||
Shal-Bocouoter | 41 | ||
Postmortem M.C. | 24 | ||
Females | 5 | ||
Date | Police Station | No. of Bodies | Remark. |
23.7.92 | Bhikhi Wind | 3 | |
29-7-92 | P.S. Valtoha | 3 | |
26-7-92 | P.S. Bhikhi Wind | 3 | |
29-7-92 | P.S. Valtoha | 3 | |
1-8-92 | P.S Valtoha | 1 | |
2-8-92 | Harike | 1 | |
5-8-92 | karon | 1 | |
14-9-92 | Harike | 2 | |
16-9-92 | Patti | 1 | |
Ih-9-92 | Harike | 3 | |
16-9-92 | Valtoha’ | 1 | |
24-9-92 | Harike | 1 | |
25-9-92 | Bhikhi Wind | 2 | |
27-9-92 | Patti | 3 | |
6-10-92 | Valtoha | 2 | |
7-10-92 | Valtoha | 2 | |
10-10-92 | Bhikhi Wind | 2 | |
12-10-92 | Khaita | 1 | |
16-10-92 | Valtoha | 2 | |
18-10-92 | Valtoha | 1 | |
17-10-92 | Patti | 2 | |
17-10-92 | Valtoha | 2 | |
24-10-92 | Khaitha | 5 | |
29-10-92 | Harike | 3 | |
30-10-92 | Patti | 1 | |
7-11-92 | Patti | 4 | |
7-11-92 | Bhikhi Wind | 3 | |
15-11-92 | BhikhiWind | 3 | |
23-11-92 | Valtoh4 | 1 | |
23-11-92 | BhikhiWind | 2 |