NEW JERSY: An International conference was held at Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara Glenrock New Jersy on January 25,26,1992. I was organized by Dal Khalsa International to consider different problems facing Sikh Nation for freedom.

The main participants in this conference were World Sikh Organization Babar Khalsa International Council of Khalistan.

Punjab Human Rights Organization of North America Sikh Student Federation Akali Dal (Mann) SIKH youth of American and representations from New York New Jersey and Connecticut Gurdwaras. The good news was that Sikh intellectuals participated and about 35 delegates took part in this conference.

The delegates of Sikh intelligentsia discussed in detail Khalistan Freedom movement Sikh unity and various social cultural and educational matters. Sikh values and message of Guru Gobind Singh to become Amritdhari Singh was emphasized Main resolutions passed at this conference were as follows.

Recognition of contributions of Sikhs martyrs to achieve freedom Release of political prisoners abroad and abstaining political asylum for all who are suffering in different countries. Sikh unity i the main need of the hour. Honor the resolution passed at Akal Takhat and act upon the directions provided at Akal Takhat. Appointment of Jathedaar at Akal.

Takhat by general consensus of all Sikh organization at earliest possible. An appeal is made to Amnesty International Asia Watch and All Human Rights Organizations to investigate Hu man Rights Violations and in human treatment of citizen by India government and from upon to taking army out of Punjab. To unite with al justice seeking Nations to escape from Brahminical knifing force. Vote of thanks is offered to Dal Khalsa International Glen rock chapter for organizing this conference.

Finally Dal Khalsa International thanked all participants and contributors in this conference making it a success.

Article extracted from this publication >> February 21, 1992