STOCKTON, Ca .: Addressing a largely attended International Sikh Convention organized here by the Sikh Youth ‘of California, the Chairman of the Republican Central Committee of San Joaquin County, Mr. Phillip ‘Wallace, compared California to Punjab and pointed out the geographical similarities between the two regions, Welcoming the Sikh settlers in California, he said “America is your strength and you are America’s strength”. Republican party subscribes to all that your religion stands for and equally values freedom, equality and justice, He called upon the Sikh citizens to register themselves a5 voters and participate in the political processes of the country.
Congressman, Norman D. Shumway, could not attend the convention because of unforseen reasons. However, his staff member, Mr. Jack Seiglock conveyed ‘on his behalf that the Congressman would continue to strive fore. peaceful solution of the Punjab problem, He mentioned his painful concern for the human rights violations of the Sikhs in India.
Saropas (Robes of Honour) were presented to the distinguished guests by Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh, President Intentional Sikh Organization. Thanking the ‘onganizers for the great honour, Mr. Wallace said “My voice will be stronger if your voice can be added to it”, Responding to Mr. Wallace’s remarks, Jit Singh Pannu thanked him for his support id appealed to the Sikhs to participate in the political and civic spheres of the country.
Dr. Aulakh said that Sikhs were passing through a crisis and California can greatly help them in their pursuit for justice and freedom. He appealed to Mr. Wallace to use his influence in stopping Rajiv Gandhi from putting his sinful feet on the free soil of India as his “hands are still dripping with the blood of Sikh youths”. Rajiv represents those who had branded Pope Paul II as the CLA, agent and protested against his visit to India, he said.
Saropas were also presented to Prof. Hamdani, Chairman Muslim Association of America, Mr. Samin Zaidi of Pakistan and Prof, Farhadi of Afghan Liberation Front.
The convention opened with the Sikh National Anthem, “Dash Shiva Var Mote…..”, rendered by S. Sewa Singh Lalli, Voice President Republic of Khalistan, followed by welcome by S. Jagjit Singh Boparai, President Stockton Gurdwara, Bhan Gurmeet Singh acted as the Master of Ceremonies and Bhai Bhajan Singh Khalsa in his inaugural comments called upon all the Sikh organizations to work in unison at this critical juncture.
‘The three day convention commenced with Akhand Path on September 17, 1987. Delegates sessions and workshops were held on September 18, where resolutions were drafted which were subsequently adopted by the Sangat,
The following resolutions, preceded by background information, are proposed for adoption by the members of the Executive Committee and the general membership of the Sikh Youth of Caliia present at the International Wes Conasica The convention has been organized by the Sikh
‘Youth of California and held at the Sikh Temple, on September 18 20, 1987.
Sikh Freedom Movement:
Since June, 1984, the Sikh community in India has been subjected to the most barbarous and ever scalating oppression by the Indian government. The Sikh people, Sikh shrines, Sikh institutions and Sikh traditions continue to be attacked by the Indian troops, Indian police, agents of the super secret and murderous agencies of the Indian government and the hate ridden supremacist Hindu groups such as the Arya Samaj, Jan Sangh, and Rashtria Sewak Sangh.
The Sikhs are resisting the oppression in a valiant manner and their struggle has evolved into ‘THE SIKH FREEDOM MOVEMENT. The goals of the Sikh Freedom Movement are TO STOP:
- Victimazation of the Sikh community in India by the fascist Indian government.
2, False and vicious propaganda of the Indian government against the Sikh community.
3, State terrorism of the minorities in India.
4, Terror campaigns of the Hindu supremacist groups against the Sikhs and other Indian minorities,
- Killings carried out by the agents of the super secret, murderous agencies of the Indian government,
6, Violations of other human rights,
- Sikh struggle for human rights. 2, Efforts to defeat state terrorism against minorities in India.
3, Sikh resistance fighters in their struggle against Hindu bigotry and tyranny.
- Creation of the conditions which permit the Sikhs to live in ignity, freedom, peace and prosperity, if, the creation of KHALISTAN — the sovereign Sikh State,
The members of the Sikh Youth of California endorses the goals of the Sikh Freedom Movement, stated above and are prepared to undertake all feasible and legitimate activities to achieve these goals,
Collaboration of the Sikh Youth of California with
Many Sikh organizations all over the world are contributing to the achievement of the goals of the ‘Sikh Freedom Movement through the honest, dedicated and vigorous work being carried out by the members of such organizations. These workers of the Sikh Freedom Movement deserve cooperation and support by the Sikh community and all freedom and justice Toving people of the world.
‘The members of the Sikh Youth of California are committed to cooperating and supporting all organizations that are working in an honest and dedicated manner to achieve the goals of the Sikh Freedom Movement. The Sikh Youth ‘of California, however, reserves its right to evaluate the performance of members of such organizations in serving the cause of the Sikh Freedom Movement. Based on such evaluations, cooperation and support will be provided to deserving organizations and their members,
Restoration of Freedom to Sikhs:
‘Many Sikhs have been deprived of their freedom even outside India They are ether confined in prisons or are barred from free travel 10 countries of their choice. Ranjitr Organizations… butions of, American. Civic. and Political Leaders: Singh Gill, Suhminder Singh Sandhu and Jasbir Singh Bajwa are in prisons in the U.S.A. These and other Sikhs have expressed views denouncing the barbarous oppression of the Sikhs by the Indian government. The Indian government using its political influence with other government, has succeeded in victimizing the Sikhs even outside of India, Trumped up charges and its back laws are cited by the Indian government to designate the innocent and law abiding Sikhs as criminals,
The members of the Sikh Youth of California will employ all legal means to initiate actions and to assist in the actions of other sin the restoration of freedom to Sikh victims of harassment by the Indian government inside America, ‘As Americans, the members of the Sikh Youth of California strongly feel that it is their moral duty to prevent and remediate violations of the civil and human rights of the people Recognition of the ContriBre cot Many American civic and political leaders have cared to investigate the accounts of oppression of the Sikhs by the Indian government and the hate ridden Hindu supremacist groups in India. The regard of these leaders for the democratic values motivated them to listen to their Sikh constituents about the truth behind the Indian government’s propaganda blitz against the Sikhs. The commitment of these leaders of America to protect the rights of people everywhere in the world has compelled them to sympathize with the Sikhs and to do their best to ameliorate the condition of the Sikhs in India. As a result of the efforts of the American leaders, the truth about the barbarous oppression of Silths in India is fast becoming known to an ever increasing number of the American people, The Sikhs are grateful to the ‘American civic and political leaders who have taken up the cause of the Sikh struggle against oppression and who support the Sikh Freedom Movement for establishment of dignity, freedom, and justice for the Sikhs,
‘The members of the Sikh Youth of California are thankful for the efforts of congressional delegations in discovering the truth about the crisis in India. They are also grateful for the efforts of Amnesty International and other human rights organizations in attempting. To succor the Sikhs.
The participants at the International Sikh Convention are in favor of developing a monetary base to support the efforts to lobby the American civic and political leaders in order to promote the cause of the Sikh Freedom Movement. Appropriate fundraising = activities will be undertaken. Bhai Gurmit Singh (Dr. Gumit Singh appreciated. In order to change him to continue as a lobbyist for the Sikh Freedom Movement in Washington D.C, efforts will be made to provide him with the needed financial assistance.
An Intentional Sikh Coordination Committee, constituted of eleven members, has been formed, the work is to be undertaken by this Committee has been discussed and approved. The same is formulated in a separate document, Following are the members of the Committee: 1. Dr. Gurmit S, Aulakh — ISO ‘Washington, D.C.
- Bhan Sewa Singh Lalli — Khalistan Council, England,
3, Bhan Jasbir Singh Sethi — United Sikh Appeal, Houston, TX. 4, Bhan Harbans Singh Sraon —LA.WSO.
- Bhan Ajit Singh Pannu — Sikh Youth of California, Stockton
- Bhan Gurdip Singh Sohal — Khalistan Council Bay Area, USA 7, Bhan Mastan Singh — Inter national Sikh Youth Fed., Canada 8, Bhan Ajaib Singh Bagri Babar Khalsa, In Canada,
- Bhan Raghbir Singh — ISO Canada
- Bhan Kuldip Singh Sodhi — Khalistan Council, Toronto, Can, 11, Bhan Gajjan Singh, ISYF, New York.
‘The case of Bhan Lakhbir Singh will be taken up with the Canadian Government to seek political sum for him in order to save him from bodily harm and religious persecution at the hands of the Indian government just like his brother Bhai Jasbir Singh who is being held in an Indian jail,
‘The Sikh refugees in Canada have our full sympathies, We are In view of resolution #4, letters of commendations and thanks will be mailed to all of the members of the U.S. Congressmen who have spoken in favour of protection of the human rights of the Sikhs.
The recent declaration of the four Singh Sahibs that they support the Sikh struggle to create Khalistan is fully endorsed by us, we honour their decision.
Actions Taken on the Re solution:
Bhai Ajit Singh of the Sikh Youth of California read each of the four resolutions and the background information with each resolution. He invited comments from the representatives of various organizations present at the International Sikh Convention on September 19, 1987, in the multi Purpose hall of the Sikh Temple, Stockton. The following modifications were accepted:
Item #4: under the background information on the Sikh Freedom Movement is to include, at the end of the sentence, the words: such as the Moslems and the Christians,
In line 2 under resolution #2, the words cooperating and supporting should be replaced with the words cooperate and support respectively.
The word inside on line #4 under resolution #3 should be replaced with the word in. The word America in the next line should be followed by the words: and around the world.
‘The word compelled on line #9 in the background information before resolution #4 should be replaced with the word inspired.
Each of the four resolutions was unanimously approved by the members of the Sangat present, ‘The approval was followed by Gyhunras (oreach vescltlion, ‘Thus the four resolutions offered by the Sikh Youth of California became the unanimously approved resolutions of the International Sikh Convention.
Congressman Walley Herger in a message extended his support to the Sikh struggle for safeguarding their human rights, Messages were also received from Bhai Gajinder Singh (currently detained in Pakistan jail), Bhan Jasbir Singh Bajwa (Loredo, Texas Jail), Bhan Surjan Singh Babar and Bhan Tarsem Singh and Bhan Rai of ISYF of England.
Article extracted from this publication >> September 25, 1987