BHOPAL, India, June22: Reuter: The Union carbide plant a Bhopal has leaked more than a ton of potentially hazardous chemical over the last two days, manager said on Wednesday.
More than 2500 people were killed in 1984 in a gas leak from the plant in Central India.
S.Mitra, personnel manager of the Indian subsidiary of the Indian subsidiary of the Connecticut-based U.S Company told Reuter the new leak was under control and there was no danger to people living nearby.
He said about 1.2 tons of chlorosulphonic acid had escaped and experts were busy plugging the leak.
Compensation claims after the 1984 disaster are still the subject of legal proceedings between the Indian government and Union Carbide.
The plant has been closed since then and is guarded by the Indian. Central Bureau of investigation.
Article extracted from this publication >> July 1, 1988