NEW DELHI(PTI): An Indian student in the U.S. has helped devise a new computerized routing System to boost productivity and save time and fuel costs in complex routing operations involving large fleets of vehicles. The system, successfully tested in the U.S. could be applied in air traffic control, shipping lines, ambulance services and school buses and emergency response systems.

The system has been developed by Professor Patrick Krolak and Indian graduate student Himanshu Bhatnagar at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.

The computerized system is expected to have tremendous potential in India where routing is conventionally done manually in railways, oil tanker scheduling, city school buses and national trucking operations.

The University of Massachusetts system is based on a new type of artificial intelligence called neural networks that seeks to mimic the thinking processes of the human brain. Bhatnagar has won the University’s 1993 outstanding student award for his work.


Article extracted from this publication >>  June 11, 1993